DIY All-Natural Bentonite Clay Face Mask for Acne & Blemish-Prone Skin

Acne DIY Face Mask DIY Skincare & Beauty Essential oils Natural Beauty

DIY All-Natural Bentonite Clay Face Mask for Acne & Blemish-Prone Skin || Don't be fooled by the simple ingredients! This bentonite clay face mask for acne works wonders by drawing dirt and oil from pores + balancing the skin's pH

Don’t be fooled by the simple, all-natural ingredients! This bentonite clay face mask for acne and blemish-prone skin works wonders by drawing dirt and excess oil from pores, and balancing the skin’s pH.

I know they say that good things come to those who wait…

But isn’t there just something so wonderful about instant gratification? To get what you want exactly when you want it?

Uh, yes please!

Which is why I love this clay face mask so much: you get results FAST.

As in “put it on at night, and wake up the next day with fabulous skin” fast.

And, as always, no nasties (i.e. unhealthy chemicals that are only adding to your body burden) necessary!

Don’t be fooled by the simple ingredients — they combine to make one powerful, blemish-fighting DIY face mask.


Bentonite clay helps gently draw gunk trapped within the pores, plus absorb excess oil. It also provides the skin with essential minerals.


Apple cider vinegar helps bring the skin’s pH back into balance.

In a healthy state, the skin’s pH is slightly acidic at a pH of 5.5. When the skin’s pH increases or becomes more “neutral,” it can have a significant impact on the skin’s protective microbiome, the balance of the “good” and “bad” bacteria living on the skin’s surface. The “bad” bacteria thrive in a more neutral pH — yes, including the p. acnes bacteria!

This is likely why studies have found that a more neutral skin pH is associated with increased breakouts and acne.

NOTE: Never use apple cider vinegar undiluted on the skin! It should always be diluted in water.


Tea tree essential oil is one of the most well known natural acne remedies, and for good reason!

Studies have found that tea tree essential oil is extremely beneficial for acne-prone skin as it’s anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Tea tree even benefits “fungal acne” or malassezia folliculutis (source).

DIY All-Natural Bentonite Clay Face Mask for Acne & Blemish-Prone Skin || Don't be fooled by the simple ingredients! This bentonite clay face mask for acne works wonders by drawing dirt and oil from pores + balancing the skin's pH

DIY All-Natural Bentonite Clay Face Mask for Acne & Blemish-Prone Skin


  • 1 tablespoon bentonite clay
  • 2 teaspoons water
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 2 drops tea tree essential oil


  1. Mix all of the ingredients together with a wooden spoon (or plastic) as metal will negate the effects of the bentonite clay, which absorbs metals. The mix will fizz a little when you add the apple cider vinegar.
  2. Apply the mask to clean skin with clean fingers, and let sit for about 10 minutes or until your skin starts feeling tight.
  3. Wash the mask off, gently pat your skin dry, and apply an all-natural moisturizer.
  4. Go to sleep and have some sweet dreams, wake up in the morning and admire your beautiful skin!
Don't be fooled by the simple ingredients! This bentonite clay face mask for acne works wonders by drawing dirt and oil from pores + balancing the skin's pH

Interested in natural beauty and DIY skincare? You’re in the right place!

I’m a firm believer that a healthy lifestyle doesn’t just stop with diet and exercise. The hundreds of unhealthy chemicals we come into contact with on a daily basis SO affect our health. One of the primary ways we (and women in particular) are exposed to these chemicals is via their skincare and beauty products. You can learn more about this in this blog post: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry.

But beauty doesn’t need to come at the expense of health! There are SO many wonderful natural beauty and skincare options. Check out My Super-Simple All-Natural Skincare And Beauty Routine to browse my favorites.

And if you’re looking for some more natural skincare DIY recipes that you can make yourself, check out some of these reader favorites…

DIY All-Natural Bentonite Clay Face Mask for Acne & Blemish-Prone Skin || Don't be fooled by the simple ingredients! This bentonite clay face mask for acne works wonders by drawing dirt and oil from pores, and balancing the skin's pH.


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  1. Hi Nadia!

    This recipe looks great and I can’t wait to try it. I’ve heard a lot about rose/pink clay recently; is it possible to substitute it for one of the clays in this recipe? Or do you have any suggestions or a recipe for a rose clay mask?

    Your site with all its healthy skincare DIYs has been an amazing resource! I make the hand soap, toner, and a custom face oil regularly. Guests are always surprised that the soap isn’t store bought!


  2. Ohhhh. LOL I thought you wanted like a creamy wash that didn’t foam… and those don’t contain any soap and I have no clue how to make them.

    You know, I don’t think I do. But I do sometimes just mix honey and castile sometimes and add a little EOs 🙂 It works. Check Pinterest!

  3. Hey, Rachel! Well… all soap lathers/foams so I’m not really sure what you’re looking for. Cleansing oil? Cleansing grains? (I wouldn’t recommend either for your body.)

  4. Hi Nadia!
    Do you have recipes for a non-foaming face wash (more than castile soap and water) and a non-foaming body wash?
    I looked throughout your website the best I could and through your responses, but I didn’t find either of those 2 things/recipes.