
DIY All-Natural Eye-Emphasizing Mascara

After learning more about how to appropriately formulate skincare and beauty products, I no longer recommend this DIY all-natural eye-emphasizing mascara and have removed the recipe. My concern is with proper preservation of the formula to prevent bacteria growth. As we live and learn, our thoughts, actions, and work evolve — I hope you understand! And I hope you will keep…

Understanding egg cartons

Soft-boiled eggs are my personal version of “fast food.” I throw a couple in my purse every morning, put them in the fridge when I get to work, and later pull them out when I need a nutritious and satiating snack. They’ve only cracked once while in transit; that was an awkward subway ride. But at least I had more…

Is your tampon toxic?

Alright, ladies, we’re getting real right here. No need to be bashful; we all get a little visit from Aunt Flo every month… So what’s one thing that is sure to make your period worse? Oh, just knowing that your trusty tampon may be toxic. The average woman uses approximately 11,000 tampons during her lifetime. Goodness, that’s a lot of…

The health benefits of tea

When I was younger, my mom would make me a warm cup of tea whenever things seemed a little rough: when I couldn’t fall asleep, when I was feeling under the weather, when my best friend was being a big you-know-what. Ever since, I have always associated drinking tea with a general-nice-kind-of-feeling, and drank it primarily for this reason. Only a…

Why soy is NOT a health food

When I think of soy and its so-called “health benefits,” I immediately see a 15-year-old version of myself eating breakfast at the kitchen table in the house where I grew up. It is a pleasant memory… until I get back around to the whole soy part. You see, when I was a teenager, I was health-conscious yet lacked any real…

Mint & Strawberry Bruschetta

Classic tomato and basil bruschetta is one of my favorite go-to summer dishes. So much so, in fact, that I have become to, well, grow a little tired of it. And by a little, I do mean A LOT. Which stinks since it’s what people now ask me to bring. Fortunately, this mint and strawberry bruschetta is a great alternative….

The ABCs of GMOs: 26 Facts to Better Understand the Issue at Hand

What is a GMO? Are GMOs safe or unhealthy? What sets non-GMO foods apart from organic foods? These are all GREAT questions! There’s definitely been quite a bit of debate and confusion surrounding the production and consumption of genetically modified foods in recent years. Let’s take a look at some of the facts to better understand the issue at hand….

How food is responsible for behavioral issues in children

Your child eats a bag of brightly colored candy and within an hour is bouncing off the walls (literally). Naturally, you assume the sugar is to blame. But is it just the sugar? According to the US Center for Disease Control, the national rate of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or ADHD (which now encompasses attention deficit disorder or ADD) diagnosis increased an average…

DIY All-Natural Super-Moisturizing Lip Balm

Did you know that the average woman ingests 4 pounds of lip product in her lifetime? That is a lot of lipstick/gloss/butter/balm! So it better be nasty-free. This DIY lip balm is not only 100% natural, it is hands-down the most moisturizing lip balm I have ever tried. And I like to consider myself an aficionado of sorts. A balm…

Welcome to the “Organic Watergate”

Does the USDA organic label mean anything anymore? Last year, in May 2012, the Cornucopia Institute released a 75-page White Paper titled “Organic Watergate,” as well as an accompanying 20-minute video of the organization’s cofounder and Senior Farm Analyst Mark Kastel discussing this issue. Beware, both are frightening and infuriating, but necessary for all consumers to understand. “Although not a constitutional crisis…

Cocoa, banana, oat & peanut butter yummy bites

Well well well, what do we have here? Oh, just some very yummy bites of nutritious deliciousness. These super-soft, scrumptious treats are a variation of the classic “paleo” cookie (mashed banana and oats). Or really, “improvement,” if you will. Ingredients*:  5 over-ripe bananas (with brown speckles but not yet completely brown) 1/2 cup cocoa or cacao (since these cookies are…

Small But Mighty: The Health Benefits of Seeds

You know what they say: great things come in small packages. And, oh, is this the case when it comes to seeds. These little guys are chock-full of nutritional goodness, and are quite scrumptious to boot. Hemp seeds Hemp seeds are a complete protein—meaning they provide all 9 essential amino acids. They contain the essential fatty acids omega 6 and omega 3,…

Salty, sweet & crunchy superfood snack bites

Do you ever get a craving that you just can’t quite figure out? Do I want something salty? Something sweet? Something crunchy? All three at once!? What’s a girl to do? I’ll tell you what I do: it’s at these moments that I scour my kitchen, eat a pickle followed by some chocolate followed by some dried blueberries followed by…

The carcinogen hiding in your {cow, coconut, rice, almond, soy} milk

If you buy {cow, coconut, rice, almond, soy} milk from the grocery store, you may be purchasing a product with a potential carcinogen in it: carrageenan. Oh, you buy organic? Well it still might be in there. Carrageenan is a substance that is extracted from red seaweed (so naturally-derived) and widely used in the food industry for its thickening and stabilizing properties….

DIY non-toxic drain cleaner

Did you know that there was an easy-peasy, do-it-yourself and non-toxic way to unclog a drain? Yep, no toxins necessary! This is a great way to A) cut down on costs, B) protect your health and C) not feel guilty about pouring harsh chemicals into the public water source. What you need: Baking soda Vinegar A rag or scrap cloth…

What would Michael Pollan do? Simple tips for eating healthily

Sometimes trying to eat healthily can seem like a science. But it doesn’t have to. In fact, it is actually really very simple. This is one of the main reasons I love Michael Pollan. Not only has he helped open the eyes of millions of Americans to the mess that is our nation’s food system, but he manages to do so in a pretty…

All-Natural DIY Clarifying Face Exfoliant

Feeling dull? Skip work and do something adventurous! Looking dull (your skin, that is)? Scrub it up with this all-natural DIY clarifying face exfoliant! This is one of my favorite all-natural beauty DIYs, and I use it about twice a week. It helps to both brighten and clarify my complexion. Though I was saddled with troubled skin for years, this…

Why Bagged Teas May Have a Hidden Danger + How to Choose Wisely

Chamomile, mint, rooibos, oh my! I love tea. Everyday tea. Tea to help calm my muscles. Tea to help me wake up. Tea to help my body detox. Tea tea tea. OK I think you get the point. Now I’m sure you won’t be surprised when I tell you that my heart broke when I recently learned that there exists…

Is BPA-Free Plastic Safe? Why BPA-free is a load of B(P)S

Bisphenol-A (BPA) has come under attack in recent years, and rightfully so. Chances are you’ve been part of this fight by choosing BPA-free products after learning about the dangers of this chemical. As more consumers opted for BPA-free items, companies started willingly eliminating the chemical from their plastic products. This is great, but does this mean that these BPA-free options are…

BPA linked to infertility for both men and women

BPA is a known endocrine disrupter that interferes with the body’s normal hormone cycles. It should come as no surprise, then, that BPA detrimentally affects fertility. MEN: Studies have linked BPA to low sex drive in men, impotence, DNA damage in sperm, and reduced sperm count and motility. WOMEN: BPA may compromise the ability of women’s eggs to fertilize normally. A study found that…

DIY All-Natural Dry Shampoo For Blondes & Brunettes

Ladies, we’ve all been there… You’re running late, your boyfriend/husband is nagging you, and as much as you want to wash and style your hair, there is just no time. Or maybe you want to throw it up in a pony-tail to make an early-morning run to the grocery store without looking quite so slick. Or maybe you just pressed…

The facts about peanut butter, pesticides and carcinogens

Who doesn’t love peanut butter!? Minus those unfortunate individuals with nut allergies who do not get to experience its creamy greatness (my sincere apologies), I’ve never met a single soul who doesn’t love consuming this wonderful concoction, even my dog. Thanks, George Washington Carver! Some of the fun facts about peanut butter: it is packed with protein and has been shown…

Chemicals Additives Banned in Other Countries but Allowed in US Foods

What do a yoga mat, sneaker soles and a loaf of Wonder Bread have in common? All contain azodicarbonamide, a chemical primarily used in foam plastics but also used to bleach flour. Azodicarbonamide (which I’m not even going to pretend to know how to pronounce) is one of several chemicals banned in other countries but allowed in US foods. Released…

Anti-antiperspirants and proud of it!

I have a confession to make: At one point in my life, I used clinical-strength antiperspirant deodorant.  Oh, the horror. I look back on those days and cringe, asking “Why, why did you do this to yourself!?” But the answer is simple: I didn’t know any better. Antiperspirants work by blocking the pores that release sweat. Not only does this…