
Homemade & Healthy Hydrating Electrolyte Drink

This homemade and healthy electrolyte drink keeps you hydrated while out in the sun or exercising. Plus, it’s so easy to make and tastes great! It’s getting hot hot hot. … to put things simply. If you wanted a little more detail, I could tell you that it’s now so hot that I leave a little sweat mark on any…

Supercharge Your Smoothie: 8 Superfood Smoothie Add-Ins

Smoothie season is in full effect. With the heat rising, I just want to shove more and more fresh fruits and veggies in my face à la Hungry Hungry Hippos. The thought of a hot chili or shepherd’s pie makes me want to immediately jump in an ice cold pool… and then be served a delicious and refreshing smoothie to wash that horrifyingly hot…

3 Reasons Why Counting Calories is Unhealthy

Much like slap bracelets and Tamagotchis, counting calories is so 1995. Calories ruled the nutrition and weight loss world back when it was believed calories in = calories out. But we now know this concept is incorrect — people do not become overweight simply by eating too much and moving too little. Our bodies, health, weight loss, weight gain, and nutrition…

How to Save Over 50% On Organic Food (and More!)

Does eating organic food have to break the bank? Heck no! Now I’m not going to deny it: generally speaking, eating real, organic food is more expensive because it costs more to produce and organic farmers don’t receive the generous subsidies granted to large agribusinesses. I started eating a real food, organic diet just after I graduated college. Bad timing,…

5-Minute Zoodles (a.k.a. Zucchini Noodles / Veggie Spaghetti)

Some words are just fun to say. Zoodles is without a doubt one of them. Say it with me now… Zoodles. OK OK so it’s not a real word per say (I mean, you won’t find it in Webster’s dictionary) but here’s a quick definition for you: Zoo·dle |zo͞odl| Noun. Plural noun: zoodles. A strip, ring, or tube of zucchini….

5 Ways Dandelion Root Naturally Aids Detox

When you think of dandelions, you likely think of those straggly yellow flowers that speckle your lacky neighbors’ unkempt lawn. It certainly makes me think of my most hated summertime childhood chore: weeding. But it turns out one of the most common weeds, the bane of idyllic suburbia landscaping — the dandelion —  is actually an herb that greatly assists…

DIY All-Natural Mojito Body Scrub

At long last… it feels like summer is just around the bend! The days are getting longer, the trees are budding, and I’ve even been shaving my legs fairly regularly. (Oops, maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that last bit.) To distract myself and help move the waiting game on a little more quickly (if you live in the North East,…

Homemade & Healthy Vanilla & Coconut Chia Seed Pudding

It’s the simple pleasures in life… Like digging into a subtly sweet, smooth and creamy pudding after a long day. Or, even better: starting your day this way. Ooh OK wait, I can top that one: starting your day with a delicious pudding and knowing that you’re filling your body with nutritional goodies. This homemade and healthy vanilla and coconut…

Why Fat is a Necessary Part of a Healthy Diet

Once upon a time, I ate a virtually fat-free diet. And I had so many newfangled “food-like products” to help me maintain this diet: Fat-free “cheese product” (what a sin) Fat-free hotdogs (no words) Fat-free potato chips (the bag warned that a main ingredient may cause the runs… yummy!) Fat-free nutrition shakes (“nutrition”… oh, sweet irony) And of course, diet…

DIY All-Natural Pore-Perfecting Rose Facial Toner

Many people associate roses with beauty and romance. But me? Roses make me think of my grandfather. Specifically his nose. You see, my grandfather’s honker was a bit bulbous, and my dad had this joke: “Before Pop-Pop was born, God asked him what type of nose he wanted, but he thought God said ‘rose’ so he asked for a big red one.” Good…

Which Fats are Healthy?

FAT. Ooh, it feels like such a naughty word, doesn’t it? It’s as if just saying it aloud will automatically add inches to our waistlines. And animal fats like butter or lard? Instant cardiac arrest. At least this is what we’ve been wrongly led to believe for decades. It’s time we set the record straight when it comes to fat….

Spring Clean ALL THE THINGS with Branch Basics 100% Plant-Based Soap

You may recall me gushing about Branch Basics — both the product and company — to you before. I actually developed a girl crush/deep appreciation for the ladies behind the product before I ever even tried it: I heard them speak about their motivation to create a “human safe” cleaning product… they talked a bit about body burden (the whole…

Homemade & Healthy “Cookie Dough” Truffles

My sweet tooth, it’s been a-callin’. Actually, scratch that. It’s been SCREAMING AT ME. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been training to become a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and it’s been great. I’ve been learning a ton and putting it all to good use… on myself, of course! So since we recently finished a module on detoxification, I decided to…

2015 Update: The Most Important Foods to Buy Organic

In the perfect world, we’d all be able to buy EVERYTHING organic ALL THE TIME. Or really, in the perfect world, there wouldn’t be any need for “organic” — food would be food and that would be that. But the world is not perfect. And as much as many of us wish we could buy all of the food on our…

DIY All-Natural Fizzy Bath Bombs

I’ve recently rekindled my passion for the tub. Or really, my toddler niece did. She LOVES baths. She begs for them. She starts stripping right in the middle of the living room or kitchen or front yard as soon as you give into that ridiculously adorable little face and say “OK!” And why not? She has so many fun little…

DIY All-Natural Rich & Creamy Moisturizing Hand Soap

Want to know a super-crunchy secret? I bring my own hand soap to work. I’m telling you this because I figure if there’s anyone out there who won’t judge me, it’ll be someone looking for a DIY all-natural hand soap recipe 🙂 Sup, sister? Now, it’s not just about triclosan and body burden. I mean, yes, it’s 95% about those…

Naturally Colored Rainbow Sprinkles With Coconut

Rainbow sprinkles make everyone happy. It’s a verifiable fact. Don’t believe me? Just go ahead and give the grumpiest person you know a bowl of (organic) ice cream covered in rainbow sprinkles. You’ll get a GIANT smile in response. So like I said, verifiable. 🙂 BUT WAIT! Those typical rainbow sprinkles that you buy at the store are chock-full-o’-nasties. Here…

What Are Soap Nuts? + How To Use Them

Clearly, I’m into natural. Uh, duh. I have no qualms about rubbing clay on my pits, brushing my teeth with charcoal, or eating clove upon clove of garlic to stave off a sinus infection. So when some strange natural goodie pops up on my radar, I don’t bat an eyelash before trying it out. But I’ve gotta say… this one…

16 Super Duper Simple Homemade Holiday Gift Ideas

The Holidays are HERE. And if you’re a procrastinator like me, you likely still have a list of people who need gifts as long as a drugstore receipt. (Seriously, what’s with that? You buy one little thing and unwillingly manage to kill an entire tree in the checkout process. Not cool.) But no sweat – these super duper simple homemade…

Healthy Homemade Sprouted Grain Stuffing

On Thanksgiving, it’s all about the side dishes, baby. And while cranberry sauce is my main squeeze, stuffing is a close second. But like cranberry sauce, most store-bought boxed stuffings are filled with some very very questionable ingredients. Exhibit A: Ingredients: ENRICHED WHEAT FLOUR (WHEAT FLOUR, NIACIN, REDUCED IRON, THIAMIN MONONITRATE [VITAMIN B1], RIBOFLAVIN [VITAMIN B2], FOLIC ACID), HIGH FRUCTOSE…

Homemade Cranberry Sauce with Honey

Everyone has their Thanksgiving favorite, and mine is cranberry sauce. Hands-down, without a doubt, no ifs, ands, or buts… cranberry sauce. The day just wouldn’t be complete without it. Now I grew up eating the jellied cranberry sauce that pops out of the can with the ripples on the sides and slides around the plate when you try to slice…

10 Simple Tips for a Non-Toxic Pregnancy

You’re pregnant! You’re growing a tiny little human inside of your body (in other words: you’re amazing, mama!) and you want that little human to be as healthy as possible. And you know that your baby’s health begins far before he/she arrives in this world, screaming his/her cute little head off — your baby’s health starts with you and your health….

Simple Swap for a Body Unburdened: Laundry Detergent

Ah, there’s nothing I enjoy more than a freshly-made bed with nice clean sheets… (It’s the simple things in life.) Unfortunately, most common, store-bought laundry detergents are chock-full-o’-nasties. We and our families are exposed to the chemicals in laundry detergents both when they are made airborne during the laundry process, and afterwards when wearing clothing, using towels, or sleeping in…

Healthier Halloween Candy Guide: Organic Alternatives to Kids’ Favorites

Halloween is a frightening day… for real foodies, especially. All of those GMO ingredients and artificial colors and refined sugars!? Just the thought makes me want to crawl under my bed and hide until it’s over! But in all seriousness… this day does pose quite the dilemma for the health-conscious. Healthier Halloween Candy Guide to the rescue! Are these candies…