
Gelatin: The Superfood for Your Skin that’s been Dubbed “Better than Botox”

A superfood for your skin that’s been dubbed “Better than Botox”? It’s a bold assertion, I know! But in other words: gelatin helps keep skin smooth and youthful without any injections and potentially harmful side effects. PLUS it’s a great single-ingredient source of extra protein and works wonders for the gut (and we know that gut health is everything when…

3 Simple Ways to Improve Indoor Air ASAP

Indoor air can be up to 7 times more polluted than outdoor air! Luckily, you can quickly and easily improve the indoor air quality of your home with these tips. Your home has so much more to do with your personal health than you may think. Consider this: according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air can be up to…

Hydration 101

Proper hydration is key for a healthy body. But how much water do we really need? Is it the same for us all? What about diuretics and electrolytes? We’re constantly being told to “drink more water!” but how much do we really need? The more nutritional therapy clients I work with, the more I realize most of us do water…

The Grocery Store That’s Changing The World

This post is a special collaboration between Body Unburdened and New Seasons Market (my favorite local grocery store!) in celebration of their new store in Sunnyvale, CA Real talk: I love a good grocery store. And not in the “Oh they have everything I need so I can get in and out quickly” kind of love. I mean the “I…

Clinically Validated Natural Skincare | My Favorite Juice Beauty Picks

One of the most common questions I get from readers is: “Does natural skincare really work?” Maybe this question has run through your own mind once or twice! And I get it: they really want those pimples/wrinkles/dry patches to go away and think that perhaps the chemicals in conventional products are there for a reason and natural products just won’t…

Why Most Salad Dressing Is Unhealthy + How to Make Your Own

Salad Dressing is last thing you’d expect to have unhealthy ingredients in it, right? I mean after all, it’s salad dressing. SALAD. That stuff that people eat to get healthy. That plate full of veggies with other some other healthy stuff tossed on top like sunflower seeds, strawberries, or quinoa. While it may be counterintuitive it at first, most salad…

Is Breakfast Really the Most Important Meal?

Breakfast has long been touted as the most important meal of the day. (Do you think this has made lunch and dinner jealous!?) It’s been said to jumpstart metabolism and has been shown time and again to not only aid weight loss but also help maintaining that weight loss. Yet about 10% of the US population skips out on breakfast….

Liver-Loving Antioxidant Dandelion Mocha Latte

There’s just something about a deliciously decadent coffeeshop creation… It’s probably all of the sugar! But if you’re wanting to treat yourself while also treating your body well, this Liver-Loving Antioxidant Dandelion Mocha Latte is where it’s at. It tastes like a fancy-in-the-pantsy coffeeshop creation while being filled with healthy ingredients. Yes, quite the trickster. I’ve actually been making this…

Summertime Skin Essentials

This blog post is a special collaboration with iHerb to help celebrate the summer while keeping our skin safe. Summer is officially here! Bring on the backyard BBQs, beach days, and bikinis. Of course, this means that our skin is about to get a heck of a lot more sun exposure. While a moderate amount sun exposure is required for vitamin D synthesis,…

The Health Benefits of Warm Lemon & Cayenne Pepper Water

Warm lemon and cayenne pepper water is touted as a detoxifying and metabolism-boosting natural remedy. Why? Does it actually work? And do you need to do some drastic “cleanse” to get all of the benefits? (Spoiler: NOPE!) Let’s take a closer look… I want to be clear upfront: no, this is absolutely NOT a post about a cleanse where all…

Skin-Protecting Antioxidant “Hello Sunshine” Juice

Drop the iced-tea. I’ve got the PERFECT drink to sip poolside or at the beach this summer… It’s ridiculously yummy, so very refreshing, AND loaded with ingredients that help protect your skin from sunburn and free radical damage from UV rays. As we’ve discussed before, certain foods — particularly those rich in antioxidants and/or with potent anti-inflammatory properties — help protect the skin…

DIY All-Natural Soothing Antioxidant After-Sun Spray

Sunny days ahead! Ooh I don’t know about you, but I just can’t wait to head to the beach and stick my toes in the sand. But nothing ruins a great beach day like sunburn (except maybe that family sitting near you that’s feeding the seagulls… why!?). Sunburn isn’t just uncomfortable — it produces free radicals in the skin, which damage DNA, promote premature…

12 Must-Know Healthy Travel Tips from Nutrition Pros

Ooh ah, vacation! I’ll be heading out on one of these soon and I’m SOOOOO excited. Because… vacation. Really, need I say more!? But vacation can take its toll since it pulls us out of our normal routine. And while yes, that is half the fun, it can also sometimes leave us feeling less than our best. The indulgent dinners and sugary…

5 Safe Sunscreen Options + Why They’re Better

Around this time of year, I start instinctively humming the DJ Jazzy Jeff and Fresh Prince (you know, Will Smith when he was still rocking that 90s flat top) classic “Summertime”. It’s my internal clock saying “beach days ahead!” It’s also my cue to talk to you about safe sun protection – the products I personally use and recommend and…

10 Ways to Be More Eco-Friendly this Earth Day & Beyond

This blog post is a special collaboration with iHerb in honor of Earth Day Happy Earth Day! While Earth Day is a great time to do something kind for Mother Earth, to truly make an impact and do our part to protect the planet we need to make green living part of our daily lives. Because our seemingly small actions everyday have a…

DIY All-Natural Hydrating Face Toner

This DIY all-natural toner is the perfect remedy for dry skin! It helps balance the skin’s pH, reduce the appearance of pores, and leaves skin oh so soft. Dry winter air got your skin calling for HELP? DIY All-Natural Hydrating Face Toner to the rescue! The star of this toner is an ultra-hydrating ingredient and one of my wintertime skincare must-haves: vegetable…

Stop Sugar Cravings with these 2-Ingredient Creamy Coconut Mints

Do your sugar cravings have you channeling Veruca Salt? You know, the spoiled brat from Willy Wonka. The “bad egg” who fell down the garbage chute. Maybe this little ditty will refresh your memory: ♪ ♫ “I want the world. I want the whole world. I want to lock it all up in my pocket. It’s my bar of chocolate. GIVE IT TO ME…

What Being “Hangry” Says About Your Blood Sugar Levels

“I’m sorry for what I said when I was hungry.” You’ve probably noticed this quote plastered on all sorts of products, from T-shirts and coffee mugs to bumper stickers. “Hanger” or being “hangry” has definitely become a popular saying in recent years. If you haven’t heard of it before, maybe you’ve experienced it… hang·er ˈhaNGər/ noun 1. The irrational state of anger induced…

6 Simple Tips to Keep Blood Sugar Levels Steady

Are you riding the blood sugar roller coaster? Do you: Crave sweets A LOT? Depend on coffee for energy? Get “hangry” or irritable when meals are missed or delayed? Feel light-headed, get shaky or the jitters, have brain fog if meals are missed or delayed? If yes, then your blood sugar levels are likely imbalanced — going through a series of unhealthy…

8 Simple Daily Detox Habits for Gentle Cleansing

Detoxification is absolutely critical for good health. Fortunately, our bodies know how to detox. They were built to detox just like they were built to breathe and eat. But there’s no doubt about it: we’re exposed to more toxins now than ever before thanks to modern industry and pollution. And so it’s pretty darn easy for our body’s natural detoxification pathways to…

Homemade & Healthy Mint Chocolates

Made with metabolism-boosting coconut butter and antioxidant-packed dark chocolate, these homemade and healthy mint chocolates are the perfect healthy indulgence! When I was growing up, my mom had little crystal bowls filled with candy scattered all around the house. And so did my grandmother and so did all of my aunts. (Was this just my family or do the women…

Single Sheet Curried Chicken, Cauliflower & Carrots

I really just want the same thing for dinner every night: something delicious and easy to make. Is it really too much to ask? Nope, no it’s absolutely not. Because sheet pan dinners are super duper simple to whip up in a jif, and downright delectable. Just a few minutes of prep time and then you can put your feet…

Is Your Olive Oil Real Or An Unhealthy Impostor?

Olive oil is one of the healthiest sources of dietary fat. Mostly comprised of monounsaturated fats, olive oil is packed with protective and anti-aging antioxidants, including vitamin E. It’s also been shown to reduce inflammation. Related Post: Which Fats are Healthy? Related Post: Why Fat is a Necessary Part of a Healthy Diet But the olive oil industry is straight up shady! It’s…

Quick & Simple Detox Shower

Detox baths are great but… As much as I wish I had the time to take a bath regularly, I simply don’t. (Or let’s face it: when I do have the time, I’m watching old episodes of The Office because no one gives me a good giggle like Michael Scott.) Related Post: Relaxing Detox Bath Recipe But there’s a really simple way…