5 Face Oils for Naturally Clear, Flawless Skin
Acne DIY Skincare & Beauty Face Oils Natural Beauty
Can applying oil to your face actually help keep skin clear and reduce blemishes? Yes! Face oils are the best kept skincare secret to naturally clear, flawless skin. Let’s talk about how face oils help to keep skin clear and which oils are the best for reducing blemishes and scarring from acne.
I have a teeny-tiny little obsession… With oil. That I put on my face.
That’s right, I put oil on my face.
Now there was a time that I would have shuddered at the very idea.
I went out of my way to scan every skincare product I purchased for “oil-free” before giving it the green light, thinking that any oil would instantly clog pores upon contact and turn me into one big walking blackhead.
And when it came to dealing with breakouts, I saw oil as my ultimate enemy. I mean, I even wiped my face with rubbing alcohol at one point (*cringes*).
Ironically, it was in an act of acne-induced desperation that I finally gave oil a chance, and I’ve never looked back.
In this blog post, we chat all about:
P.S. Want to take all the guesswork out of it? I’ve bottled up my best face oil blends — the Body Unburdened Beauty Blends — just for you. Beauty Blend No.2 is my best-seller, formulated to gently but effectively transform blemish-prone skin.
4 Ways the Right Oils Help Keep Blemish-Prone Skin Clear
The fact is, the right face oils can work wonders for acne-prone skin.
Here’s how:
1. Certain face oils are high in linoleic acid, helping to bring balance back to blemish-prone skin
This one fascinates me the most. Studies have found that the sebum of acne-prone individuals tends to be deficient in a certain type of fatty acid called linoleic acid, and that topical application of linoleic acid can help reduce breakouts.
And guess what? Certain face oils are loaded with linoleic acid!
2. Antioxidant-rich face oils prevent sebum oxidation, a key player in blemishes and acne
More science!
A number of studies have shown that acne patients experience more oxidative stress than people with clear skin. This oxidative stress causes sebum oxidation or the oxidation of the skin’s own oil. Many researchers believe this sebum oxidation is the trigger that kicks starts acne since oxidized sebum is incredibly comedogenic (pore-clogging) and causes inflammation in the skin.
Topical antioxidants have been found to help prevent sebum oxidation and as a result decrease the frequency and severity of breakouts.
3. Face oils help to break up the gunk trapped in pores
When it comes down to it, a zit or blackhead is really nothing more than a sticky mess of oil and dead skin cells. And since like-dissolves-like (in other words, oil and water don’t mix but water and water do mix as do oil and oil), applying oil to the skin can actually help to break up this sticky mess and clear it from the pore.
4. Oils help regulate the skin’s own oil production
Applying oil to the skin can actually “trick” it into producing less sebum (its own oil). Not to mention that often, the skin will produce more sebum to counteract harsh, drying skincare products, and face oils help bring balance by deeply nourishing the skin.
Important note: excess oil production is often a symptom of hormonal imbalance (hello, androgens gone wild!). You can learn more about this and how to balance hormones naturally in my book Glow: The Nutritional Approach to Naturally Gorgeous Skin.
The 5 Best Face Oils For Acne and Blemish-Prone Skin
So which face oils help keep skin healthy, clear and as flawless as can be!?
(And NO coconut oil is NOT on the list! It breaks a lot of people out and I do not recommend it for acne-prone skin.)
Pumpkin seed oil is 100% hands-down my favorite face oil for all skin-types — which is why it’s in all 3 of my Body Unburdened Beauty Blends! It’s rich in the antioxidant vitamins A and C, as well as zinc. Vitamins A and C help prevent the sebum oxidation behind many outbreaks while zinc helps calm inflamed skin.
Anddddd best of all: pumpkin seed oil is especially helpful for keeping skin clear since it’s very high in linoleic acid (see above!).
Like pumpkin seed oil, grapeseed oil is incredibly rich in linoleic acid, helping bring balance back to blemish-prone skin. It’s also antioxidant-rich and a very light, easily absorbed oil.
Jojoba oil was actually my first love. When I first started using it, all day I would look forward to bedtime so I could apply it again, knowing that I’d wake up the next morning with clearer skin (it’s a little sad but very true, and if you’ve ever been desperate for clear skin then you feel me).
Jojoba oil is a light oil that is easily absorbed. It mimics the skin’s sebum, tricking it to produce less oil, which is why it’s especially helpful for individuals with oily skin.
Tamanu oil has been used in traditional medicine for ages, specifically for its ability to speed the healing of wounds by fighting bacteria and increasing cellular regeneration. It also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibiotic, and antioxidant properties, making it ideal for acne sufferers.
NOTE: Stay away from tamanu oil if you have a nut allergy!
I confess that I decided to try rosehip seed oil after learning that Rose Byrne — a.k.a. hilariously awful and beautiful Helen from Bidesmaid — Kate Middleton, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Miranda Kerr all use this oil. You have to admit, these ladies have lovely skin.
Rosehip seed oil is a dry oil that penetrates to the deepest layers of the skin where it regenerates cells, increasing collagen production. It is rich in vitamin C and the essential fatty acids, all of which are known to help heal scar tissue. It is also high in retinoic acid, which studies show reduces the appearance of wrinkles and brightens skin.
There’s no doubt about the fact that rosehip seed oil is fantastic! (Like pumpkin seed oil, it’s in each of the Body Unburdened Beauty Blends!) But a word or warning: I personally find it too drying to wear alone. Yes, an oil can be drying! And of course drying can mean irritating so be careful. So rosehip oil is best mixed with other more emollient oils.
How to use these face oils? Oh, the options are endless!
These oils can be used on their own or mixed with each other in a blend that best suits your skin needs.
Learn how to make a custom face oil blend and check out these top 10 essential oils for skincare, which make a great addition to your face oil blend.
And if you’re not a big DIYer well I’ve got you covered, my friend! After years and years of readers asking me to do so, I’ve finally bottled up my best face oil blends just for you — the Body Unburdened Beauty Blends!
Are you a natural beauty junkie too? Well you’re in the right place, my friend!
Hang around a bit and check out some of these other goodies I know your sweet little natural-beauty-loving heart will definitely enjoy!
- My Super Simple All-Natural Skincare & Beauty Routine
- The Best Face Oils by Skin Type
- The Top 10 Essential Oils for Skincare
- DIY All-Natural Clarifying & Toning Foaming Facewash
- Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask
Hi Nadia,
I am really glad I came across this post of yours. I too have an oily skin and am averse to using synthetic products on my face or body. Anyway have you used Argan oil for the face? I have been using it at night and have found my skin to become soft. But I am alo willing to try jojoba oil and would like to know if I could mix it with argan oil. I’d like to try castor oil too as it is freely available in my country. Would love to hera yuor thoughts on this.
Thanks again.
Sure, you can do whatever you want with a DIY! You would just not be getting the beneficial proprieties of the EOs. I recommend everyone have lavender EO as it is amazing for the skin but also has so many used beyond just skincare.
Can i combine just Jojoba oil and Rosehip oil with 2:1 ratio and use it, with out adding the other three oils? I just need the oil for moisturizing and to brighten my skin. Do you think it will work?
Please suggest.
Hi Nadia – This is valuable information! I have very dry skin that’s prone to breakouts due to stress and hormonal issues. I never had acne when I was a teenager, only started when I started working! I used to go through phases of having acne all over my cheeks especially, and then none. But the most recent episode (it’s been 18 months now) of breakouts just decided to stay… when I’m 40! Anyways, it’s because of this post that I started my research on oils for my face… and now been using solely hemp seed oil for the past 3 days and I have to say I am amazed at how my skin has already changed in such a short time!
I have a few questions:- (1) why are you not a fan of OCM? And how would you recommend to use the oils as a cleanser? (2) Usually how long does it take for the skin to completely clear? (3) I also read that jojoba oil tends to draw out the oil and so the skin will purge for a few weeks before it gets better… and this scares me! Can I use hemp seed oil instead of jojoba for the 75 carrier oil/25 castor oil recipe? (4) If I want to add another layer to my hemp seed oil as a moisturize (as in, I’m already using hemp seed oil also as a moisturizer, but like you mentioned, it’s a bit drying for my skin)… would you suggest rosehip or tamanu for my condition?
THANK YOU SO MUCH… I’m a big fan!!! 🙂
I need a recommendation for an oil for my face. I am on chemo and my skin is very dry. I’m using coconut oil but I have a feeling one of the other oils you talk about might be better.
Good question. I would just be very careful to avoid getting any EOs *IN* your eyes.
I discuss dilution in this post: The top 10 essential oils for skincare
Can you add essential oils to face or eye creams to apply and if so how much eye cream per drops of essential oil or oils the same question for face cream. Is it 2oz or face cream add 3 drops of oil?
I read about one of your oils being a anti-inflammatory would it work for big incision sites I’m having surgery soon.
Pls suggest me whr cn I get essential oil I m frm vashi navi mumbai
Dear Zenith in regards to your issue of tight red face after simple cleansing of your facial skin… SANTALUM ALBUM! That is the only one that truly heals in situations such as yours. Also, Helichrysum with carrier, Carrot Seed with carrier, Myrrh combined with helichrysum, frankincense, sandalwood and a dash of Rose is truly an “Age Defying” solution (used with carriers) and will rebuild the elastin.
Many people I know clean their face with jojoba or another carrier instead of facial cleansers. I have slightly sebumish face skin so I have to wash it daily then apply EO/Carrier.
I’m unsure of your skin’s condition however perhaps Nadia will agree that the tightness and redness is remedied by using one or more EOs mentioned in this open reply to your post from earlier.
Neem is an amazing product though it has a STRONG scent that is not attractive though when used as a mask, it’s amazing.
I hope this helps you.
I’m a guy and have face-skin-issues, it’s not fun.
The VI PEEL does wonders for me, perhaps for you too.
Take care everyone in this comment section. There’s so much juicy knowledge in these comments!!!!! Thank you BodyUnburdened!!!
Thanks for the carrier oil summary for blemish-prone skin. Jojoba is a liquid wax and I’m a guy, it gets in my face’s stubble and that comedogenic rating, on my face, is high enough to cause issues.
I’m really excited to read your mention of Hemp Seed Oil. I have a bottle and I did open it. I was advised that I didn’t have to refrigerate it as long as I was using it and when I paused using it that I should then refrigerate it. After reading your excellently detailed notes, I wonder if the 2 month new bottle has lost its “umph”… I really wanted to commit to one or two carriers for the skin on my face and I’m having a difficult time choosing at the moment.
I, too, went “ALL-IN” with essential oils a year ago and have the complete collection of every product Edens Garden currently sells. A few days ago, I started using Camelia Seed Oil as a base adding “Age Defy” & “carrot seed”, – note, I had the best skin when I used Neroli & Sandalwood on my skin, undiluted.
I was doing really great for the longest time, you know the feeling, looking in the mirror, especially in the AM, not having to concern myself with any issues at all when using Sandalwood (Santalum Album) and Neroli until I found “a great and natural soap” which ruined my clear skin by adding patches on my arms, neck and face! I was so grrrrrrr!
I’m not going to use Castor nor Tamanu as carriers. I tried Rosehip and it did great for a while then I had some clogged pours.
Do you have any more suggestions for a carrier that goes as deep as Rosehip and dries into the skin as quickly as Neroli and Sandalwood? Yes I know these two are EO and not Carrier-EO.
Have you tried Camelia Seed? Any thoughts on Argan? Meadowfoam goes on dry but it’s solvent extract so best mixed for shelf life.
If my bottle of Hemp Seed is ok, how can I tell? It’s kept closed in a dark corner kept around 70-71 degrees at all times.
Anyway, I rarely type in comments though you inspired me tonight.
Any and all advise is greatly appreciated.
Do you know of any oils or treatments for acne rosacea?
Oh no! If you suspect mold, throw it out, wash and sterilize the jar you’re keeping it in, and make a new batch. You never know and it’s just not worth it.
I haven’t ever had mold grow before but it can happen easily esp since we keep these things in the bathroom (at least I do) where it’s very moist – if any sort of moisture gets in the jar, mold can grow. I don’t think it’s because you’re not refrigerating the oils (refrigeration would just extend the shelf-life by keeping the oils from going rancid).
Hello again! I have a quick question for you. I have been using your recommendation of 2/3 Jojoba mixed with 1/3 Rosehip oil for quite a while now and I love it! Just recently though, about a week and a half or two after I make a new mixture (I make a little batch at a time instead of one giant bottle of the mixture), I notice that my little glass jar starts to make sort of a moldy/fungus little thing in it, sometimes like a little white bubble at the bottom. Since its at the bottom of the jar, I just kept using the face wash, being careful not to touch the little “mold” blob. So I wanted to ask you, first off, is that normal? Like, has that ever happened to you? And also, is that okay that I still kept using the mixture? I don’t want to think that it was because of the “mold”, but for the last week or two I’ve had quite a bit of blackheads that just won’t seem to go away, and I don’t dig it! My mix is kept in a little tiny glass jar and whenever I make a new mix, I make sure to thoroughly wash out the entire jar, so I just don’t know where this gunk is coming from!! Would it be because I am not keeping my Rosehip oil in the fridge? (I think I remember reading that it was best kept in the fridge?) If you or anyone else could please shed some light as to why the heck this is going on, I would love to fix this problem! Thank you so much!
Have you had any experience with Argan Oil? I’ve started using a bentonite clay mask on my face, and am trying to find an oil to moisturize with afterwards. I have been applying tamanu oil on my face every night for the past year, and it does work well, but it hasn’t gotten completely rid of my acne/scarring. I was thinking to start a new oil and the employees at my local health store said that Argan oil would be a good option, but I wanted to do some research on it before buying it.
LOL that’s awesome!!
I’ve been using oils for ages too – my favourite skin oil is frankincense. Loved reading your articles on different oils and will be adding some you mentioned to my stash.
A friend asked me a while ago if I’d had ‘something’ done lol. Nope …. it’s just oil. 🙂
Thank you for such great info.
Just started using castor oil, tamanu oil, and sea buckthorn oil (combined) to rid myself of a rosacea situation that includes swelling and lumps. So far, these oils appear to help heal the condition rather quickly (started 2 days ago and the lumps are subsiding) . . .Never would have thunk it . . .Having a very oily skin at 14 on up to 19, putting oil on my face was the last treatment I would have ever used, until now.
What is best oil combo for older, dry skin. I have a very fair complextion. I have been using coconut oil mixedcwith a little been oil. Thank you!
I also put oil on my face for a year, i love high linoleid safflower oil,my acnes n scars reduce alot,before,i cant put any kind of oil,it brings acnes up,now after i use safflower oil,i can try some other oil like argan,grapeseed,no breakout,i want to try rosehip oil
I mix those oil w teatreeoil or lavender oil,i even drop couple of safflower oil for my tomato masker
A little tip, try to damp ur skin before oil on ur skin,it helps skin absorb well n prvent dryness