5 Face Oils for Naturally Clear, Flawless Skin
Acne DIY Skincare & Beauty Face Oils Natural Beauty
Can applying oil to your face actually help keep skin clear and reduce blemishes? Yes! Face oils are the best kept skincare secret to naturally clear, flawless skin. Let’s talk about how face oils help to keep skin clear and which oils are the best for reducing blemishes and scarring from acne.
I have a teeny-tiny little obsession… With oil. That I put on my face.
That’s right, I put oil on my face.
Now there was a time that I would have shuddered at the very idea.
I went out of my way to scan every skincare product I purchased for “oil-free” before giving it the green light, thinking that any oil would instantly clog pores upon contact and turn me into one big walking blackhead.
And when it came to dealing with breakouts, I saw oil as my ultimate enemy. I mean, I even wiped my face with rubbing alcohol at one point (*cringes*).
Ironically, it was in an act of acne-induced desperation that I finally gave oil a chance, and I’ve never looked back.
In this blog post, we chat all about:
P.S. Want to take all the guesswork out of it? I’ve bottled up my best face oil blends — the Body Unburdened Beauty Blends — just for you. Beauty Blend No.2 is my best-seller, formulated to gently but effectively transform blemish-prone skin.
4 Ways the Right Oils Help Keep Blemish-Prone Skin Clear
The fact is, the right face oils can work wonders for acne-prone skin.
Here’s how:
1. Certain face oils are high in linoleic acid, helping to bring balance back to blemish-prone skin
This one fascinates me the most. Studies have found that the sebum of acne-prone individuals tends to be deficient in a certain type of fatty acid called linoleic acid, and that topical application of linoleic acid can help reduce breakouts.
And guess what? Certain face oils are loaded with linoleic acid!
2. Antioxidant-rich face oils prevent sebum oxidation, a key player in blemishes and acne
More science!
A number of studies have shown that acne patients experience more oxidative stress than people with clear skin. This oxidative stress causes sebum oxidation or the oxidation of the skin’s own oil. Many researchers believe this sebum oxidation is the trigger that kicks starts acne since oxidized sebum is incredibly comedogenic (pore-clogging) and causes inflammation in the skin.
Topical antioxidants have been found to help prevent sebum oxidation and as a result decrease the frequency and severity of breakouts.
3. Face oils help to break up the gunk trapped in pores
When it comes down to it, a zit or blackhead is really nothing more than a sticky mess of oil and dead skin cells. And since like-dissolves-like (in other words, oil and water don’t mix but water and water do mix as do oil and oil), applying oil to the skin can actually help to break up this sticky mess and clear it from the pore.
4. Oils help regulate the skin’s own oil production
Applying oil to the skin can actually “trick” it into producing less sebum (its own oil). Not to mention that often, the skin will produce more sebum to counteract harsh, drying skincare products, and face oils help bring balance by deeply nourishing the skin.
Important note: excess oil production is often a symptom of hormonal imbalance (hello, androgens gone wild!). You can learn more about this and how to balance hormones naturally in my book Glow: The Nutritional Approach to Naturally Gorgeous Skin.
The 5 Best Face Oils For Acne and Blemish-Prone Skin
So which face oils help keep skin healthy, clear and as flawless as can be!?
(And NO coconut oil is NOT on the list! It breaks a lot of people out and I do not recommend it for acne-prone skin.)
Pumpkin seed oil is 100% hands-down my favorite face oil for all skin-types — which is why it’s in all 3 of my Body Unburdened Beauty Blends! It’s rich in the antioxidant vitamins A and C, as well as zinc. Vitamins A and C help prevent the sebum oxidation behind many outbreaks while zinc helps calm inflamed skin.
Anddddd best of all: pumpkin seed oil is especially helpful for keeping skin clear since it’s very high in linoleic acid (see above!).
Like pumpkin seed oil, grapeseed oil is incredibly rich in linoleic acid, helping bring balance back to blemish-prone skin. It’s also antioxidant-rich and a very light, easily absorbed oil.
Jojoba oil was actually my first love. When I first started using it, all day I would look forward to bedtime so I could apply it again, knowing that I’d wake up the next morning with clearer skin (it’s a little sad but very true, and if you’ve ever been desperate for clear skin then you feel me).
Jojoba oil is a light oil that is easily absorbed. It mimics the skin’s sebum, tricking it to produce less oil, which is why it’s especially helpful for individuals with oily skin.
Tamanu oil has been used in traditional medicine for ages, specifically for its ability to speed the healing of wounds by fighting bacteria and increasing cellular regeneration. It also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibiotic, and antioxidant properties, making it ideal for acne sufferers.
NOTE: Stay away from tamanu oil if you have a nut allergy!
I confess that I decided to try rosehip seed oil after learning that Rose Byrne — a.k.a. hilariously awful and beautiful Helen from Bidesmaid — Kate Middleton, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Miranda Kerr all use this oil. You have to admit, these ladies have lovely skin.
Rosehip seed oil is a dry oil that penetrates to the deepest layers of the skin where it regenerates cells, increasing collagen production. It is rich in vitamin C and the essential fatty acids, all of which are known to help heal scar tissue. It is also high in retinoic acid, which studies show reduces the appearance of wrinkles and brightens skin.
There’s no doubt about the fact that rosehip seed oil is fantastic! (Like pumpkin seed oil, it’s in each of the Body Unburdened Beauty Blends!) But a word or warning: I personally find it too drying to wear alone. Yes, an oil can be drying! And of course drying can mean irritating so be careful. So rosehip oil is best mixed with other more emollient oils.
How to use these face oils? Oh, the options are endless!
These oils can be used on their own or mixed with each other in a blend that best suits your skin needs.
Learn how to make a custom face oil blend and check out these top 10 essential oils for skincare, which make a great addition to your face oil blend.
And if you’re not a big DIYer well I’ve got you covered, my friend! After years and years of readers asking me to do so, I’ve finally bottled up my best face oil blends just for you — the Body Unburdened Beauty Blends!
Are you a natural beauty junkie too? Well you’re in the right place, my friend!
Hang around a bit and check out some of these other goodies I know your sweet little natural-beauty-loving heart will definitely enjoy!
- My Super Simple All-Natural Skincare & Beauty Routine
- The Best Face Oils by Skin Type
- The Top 10 Essential Oils for Skincare
- DIY All-Natural Clarifying & Toning Foaming Facewash
- Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask
Wow! I just want to thank you for all your work! I have been slowly starting to go more and more natural – but my face has been one of the last steps. I think I was most terrified of the unfamiliar and my breakout-prone skin freaking out. All this info has given me confidence to jump in. I’ve already ordered a few things and I’m excited to give this natural face a shot! Thanks a million.
Hi! Loved this article! I have a tiny question regarding castor oil: I have heard and read that it also helps for hair growth (used in scalp, eyelashes, brows).
Is it still safe to put castor oil on your skin?
Any recommendations for chest and back breakouts? It’s driving me nuts! Can’t wear any wide neck shirts!
Thank you!
Hi Nadia,
I went through a severe acne breakout last year, which left scaring and dark spot and I have trying to find ways to heal this. I came by your site by accident and loved it. It’s instructive and interesting…thank you for sharing!
I am trying to your DIY oil but wanted to add grapeseed oil and argan oil? Are you familiar with these oils? Any advice you can give me on this would be appreciated.
thanks, Beatrice
Hey! Very insightful info!
I stumbled across your blog by sesrching for something to place on my 2yr old boy cut he just got last week on his chin. It wasnt bad enough for stitches but still a deep and wide cut that is a little indented so was looking for something natural to put in it to help smooth it out and keep it from scaring!
Which one of these oils do you reccommend i use? And for how long should i use it on him?
Yes, that sounds like a great combo to start with! Check out the guidelines at the bottom of this post https://bodyunburdened.com/essential-oils-for-skincare/ Good luck 🙂
Hi Nadia!
I’m loving all of your posts about skin care! I really want to try using oils to moisturize but I’m not sure what mix to use on my skin! I have an oily nose area but the rest of my skin is combo or dry. I am prone to breakouts mostly around my chin area – likely hormonal related. I also have VERY sensitive skin – many (chemical) products I’ve tried have made my skin horribly red & itchy (ie. PROACTIVE – worst stuff ever). Since I also have a habit of popping my zits (gross, I know), I have lots of redness/discoloration too. Anyway, I was thinking maybe of using Jojoba & geranium oil. Do you think this would be a good combo? and how much do I use of each to make a good mix? Thank you!!
Great! I do more of a 3:1 ratio of jojoba to rosehip.
HI, I have rose hip oil and love it as well and have also noticed it is a bit dry. Thanks for sharing about how you combine it with jojoba oil. What is the ratio in the oil blend? Is it 50/50? Thanks so much!
How come you don`t use the OCM?
How do you wash your face and remove your make up??
I would like to try it all, but if I do I want to go natural all the way and not use any chemicals anymore to see if it helps.
Kind regards
Thanks- really enjoyed the info! Excited to try the face oil- ordered the goods….
I too am obsessed with my face and have tried countless medication (oral and topical). I have spent an embarrassing amount of money on facials, micro needling and lasers. I have cystic acne and pigmentation issues. At 44 years of age my breakouts with cysts have kind of slowed down but they are still active. When I get a pimple it leaves a red spot for months. I have heard oregano oil is good but don’t see it on your top lists. I am the kind of person who will buy every oil on every list because I am that desperate! Is there a specific mix/recipe I should get?
Loved the post, very informative and easy to follow….thank you!!
Hi! Just found your site after researching essential oils for clear skin… Love your articles! I’ve been using Argan oil and Lavendar… What are your thoughts on Argan oil? I have a feeling I’m going to need to switch!!
I pretty much always stay start with jojoba!
Hi Nadia! This was a great, interesting read. I would like to start using oils. Can you recommend a few to mix together for Combination but acne prone skin. Im more dry on the cheeks and a tad oily in the t-zones. Thanks so much!
I just found your page…very informative!
I have a couple of questions…
1. I was unable to find tamanu oil, so I got hemp seed oil. It doesn’t say it should be refrigerated. Do you think it’s best?
2. Is there a difference between rose hip oil and rose hip seed oil?
Thanks so much!
After reading your article about facial oils, I just purchased the rose hip, jojoba and hemp oils you recommended. I would love to know more specifics about your daily regimen and exactly how much of each oil you use at one time. I will probably be doing hemp/jojoba combos or rose hip/jojoba combo. I believe there are droppers in some of the bottles, so how much of each oil? Also, what other products does your regimen consist of? Thanks in advance for the feed back!
I like to my preferred oils in the post. You can use them as a moisturizer whenever and however you want!