DIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask
DIY Face Mask DIY Skincare & Beauty Natural Beauty
This DIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask is the perfect natural remedy for blackheads and blemishes! Don’t be fooled by the simple ingredients — activated charcoal and bentonite clay help to keep skin clear by drawing gunk and oil from pores. Let’s take a closer look and get rid of blackheads once and for all…!
Can you see me?
There I am! Just letting this miracle mask sink in and work its magic (and secretly hoping my sweetie will come home soon so I can give him a little scare).
I’ve dubbed this mask the “Blackhead Busting Blackout” mask since 1) its ingredients gently draw gunk from pores and so help eliminate blackheads like no other, and 2) it’s as black as the night sky.
Or should I just say that it’s as black as charcoal (activated charcoal, to be specific), one of its main ingredients? I suppose that would make more sense.
So have you noticed charcoal skincare products popping up left and right recently?
Oh of course you have.
It’s definitely become quite (read: really really) trendy, but for good reason.
First things first, activated charcoal is NOT the same as regular ol’ BBQ charcoal!
Activated charcoal is made specifically for medicinal use and to be very porous.
These pores allow activated charcoal to trap impurities — why it’s used to treat poisonings and intestinal gas (fun fact!).
Activated charcoal is especially helpful when it comes to clogged pores and blackheads.
Because when applied to the skin, it acts like a magnet — drawing dirt, other gunk, and excess oil from your pores.
This Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask has become a cult classic among Body Unburdened readers.
So come, drink the Kool-Aid 😉
Because pair activated charcoal with bentonite clay and WOAH! Major blackhead banishing power couple.
Like activated charcoal, bentonite clay also draws dirt, oil, and other gunk from pores.
And let’s not forget the apple cider vinegar…
… which helps balance the skin’s pH or “acid mantle,” preventing blemish-causing bacteria from growing out of control.
DIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask
Applying this mask one to two times a week can make a SERIOUS difference in the overall appearance of your skin — texture, pore size, blemishes.
So let’s get to it!
PrintDIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask
This DIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask is the perfect natural remedy for blackheads and blemishes! Don’t be fooled by the simple ingredients — activated charcoal and bentonite clay help to keep skin clear by drawing gunk and oil from pores. Let’s take a closer look and get rid of blackheads once and for all…!
- Yield: 1 application 1x
- 1 1/2 tsp bentonite clay
- 2 capsules of activated charcoal (opened and emptied) OR 1/4 tsp activated charcoal powder
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 1 1/2 tsp water
- Mix* all of the ingredients together into a smooth paste, and spot test the mask on your cheek or underside of your wrist to make sure that you do not have any adverse reactions (always an important step when trying a new product, even if it’s all-natural!).
- Wash your face with a mild cleanser and pat partially dry (so that it is not dripping wet, yet moist).
- Apply the mask evenly avoiding the delicate skin around your eyes and lips, and let sit until dry, about 7-10 minutes.
- As the mask dries, it will start to feel tight on the skin, which can sometimes feel a little itchy. If you start to feel uncomfortable, wash the mask off.
- After the mask dries, wash it off, pat your face gently with a clean towel, and apply an all-natural moisturizer.
*Be sure to stir this mixture with a plastic or wooden spoon, as both charcoal and clay pull toxins from metals. Also be sure to store your clay in a non-metal container.
TIP: Some readers have noted that after washing the mask off, some activated charcoal remains in their pores. Obviously, we don’t want this! So to avoid this, it’s best to gently exfoliate beforehand — preferably the night before so skin isn’t too irritated or raw before applying the mask. Otherwise, you can gently exfoliate after rinsing the mask off to remove any lingering activated charcoal. Applying a face oil afterwards also helps to loosen the activated charcoal and lift it from the pore (check out these best face oils by skin type).
Not into DIY? No problem!
One of my favorite natural skincare and beauty lines Beautycounter sells a phenomenal mask with similar ingredients + others to keep skin smooth and clear — the Balancing Facial Mask.
And if you’re looking to get more activated charcoal goodness in your skincare routine, you’ll love this charcoal cleansing bar from Beautycounter. It helps to gently clarify skin without stripping it and is one of my favorites.
Are you a natural beauty junkie too!? Well you’re in the right place, my friend!
Hang around a bit and check out some of these other goodies I know your sweet little natural-beauty-loving heart will definitely enjoy!
- My Super Simple All-Natural Skincare & Beauty Routine
- The Best Face Oils by Skin Type
- The Top 10 Essential Oils for Skincare
- DIY All-Natural Clarifying & Toning Foaming Facewash
How often would you recommend using it as a spot treatment? They always say to do a mask once or twice a week, but do you think it would be ok to use every other day until the spots have subsided? I used it once this week and it did wonders for the pain and overall swelling!
Wow no I’ve never had that and have no idea why that would happen… do you just mix it with water?
Hi Nadia I came across your blog four days ago and decided to try this mask – coal and clay. Thing is, I can’t have it on for more than 3 minutes as my face simply goes on fire… Like I feel as though I’m burning. The first time, I put it on for about 5 minutes and had to dash to the shower! Today, I didn’t last 3 minutes with it. Is this normal? Has anyone experienced this before?
I really like how it makes my skin feel, smooth and all… But the fire-effect is worrying! Please help.
🙂 🙂 🙂
I just took off the mask like literally 10 min ago, and I got to have to share how great the mask is. At first I was afraid the mask will “stain” my skin, but it was not. All I did was mixing 2 capsules of Activated Charcoal (brand is Nature’s Way)(green cap), 1/2 teaspoon of Bentonite Clay (brand is Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay) and 1 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar Organic Raw-Unfiltered with the ‘Mother’ (brand is Bragg). I mix them up and add some more Bentonite clay or ACV or both until the mixture is barely runny because for me, it is easier to spread on my face. I applied it on my skin and waited for 15 minutes; I washed it off with warm-hot water in the shower to make it less messy. The result is amazing because my face was not as dry as just bentonite clay + ACV alone, and my face feels like baby. Again, it did not stain my skin, whatsoever. This mask is a must-try.
Nice! Thanks for sharing!
I just tried the mask with Moroccan red clay, and my skin feels amazing!! The health food store was out of bentonite clay. I moisturized with coconut oil, a personal favorite! I didn’t measure, just made a nice goopy paste.
Is it ok if I buy and use the gluten free capsules. They are the only ones I can find.
can I use replacement for the bentonite clay
I have a bulk jar of charcoal. Does anyone know how much in teaspoons of the charcoal to add. I don’t have a scale that measures .2 grams.
Am I the only one who had horrible black blocked pore all over my face?! Did I missed some thing? (I add 1/2 tsp matcha green tea,1/2 tea spoon turmeric herbal powder,2 drops of tea tree oil )
Oh, yep! I just started buying the coconut shell one more recently which is why you’ll see it in more recent posts 🙂 Good luck and let us know how it works out for you!!
Hi Nadia, is the link that you put for the activated charcoal on this post okay to use for teeth whitening as well? On your post about using activated charcoal for teeth whitening, you had a link to activated coconut shell charcoal, but I was wondering if the one you put on here is fine to use for that.
Thanks so much, Olivia! So happy it works for you 🙂 The honey is a great tip!
I read a lot of the comments on here about the black charcoal staining or sticking in your pores. I realized this too when I made the mask with water. Instead mixing it with water try mixing in with honey. 🙂 That’s what I usually do and it does not stain your fave. I did notice that it did stay in my pores on my nose but I just scrubbed it with a facial brush and now my pores are clear. Great post by the way!
Trying this today. How long does this mask last? Does refrigeration help its shelf life? Wondering how many weeks or months it stays good. Thank you!
Yay that makes me so happy! Once a week or every other week if I decide to use a different mask.
Hey, Kristine! I used to do this mask weekly. Now I do it every other week (alternating with the deep clean green mask) AND a manuka honey mask once a week (
Coconut oil does clog pores. If it works for you, great! But if it doesn’t, that’s why. I personally prefer jojoba oil (I talk more about face oils here
I have been using face dr soap and mositurizer for almost a year. It has helped. But I was still getting cystic acne. I was put on medication and am almost done. I have not seen huge improvements. I went out and bought the ingrediants for this mask. I took my make up off with coconut oil and a baby wipe. Used the mask, washed it off and use witch hazel with rose hip as a toner. My skin feels amazing!
How often do you do the mask?
I want to try this! My acne has cleared up, but I’ve been getting some blackheads. Hope it works for me too! 🙂 Did you notice an improvement after 1 use?