
DIY all-natural lavender & lemon sugar scrub

My skin does not like the changing seasons. Uh uh, no way. It gets all irritable and cranky and begs for me to scratch it furiously. So I need to give it a little extra attention to calm it down. This DIY all-natural lavender and lemon sugar scrub is the perfect antidote. The sugar exfoliates the skin, sloughing off dead…

Homemade and healthy pumpkin pie pudding

It’s PUMPKIN SEASON! (That is meant to be read in an Oprah voice. Check out this video montage if you have no idea what I mean so you can get the full effect of my excitement for this season.) Now pumpkin shouldn’t just be relegated to jack-o’-lantern making, seasonal lattes and craft beers, and pie. Because this veggie is not…

Simple Swap for a Body Unburdened: Hand Soap

Hand soap is something we all use everyday… hopefully multiple times a day. Unfortunately, many hand soaps nowadays are chock-full-o’-nasties. As an endocrine disruptor (also referred to as an E.D.C., endocrine disrupting chemical), triclosan can disrupt hormone regulation at even low-level exposure. The World Health Organization and United Nations this year concluded: Exposure to E.D.C.s during fetal development and puberty plays…

10 simple ways to reduce your risk of breast cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. And we’re about to see pink wherever we go. But no sparkly pin, embellished wine glass, or pink sports jersey is going to make us more aware of the fact that 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. We’re already aware because we’ve all been effected by it,…

Homemade Elderberry Syrup for Cold & Flu (With Manuka Honey)

Fall is officially upon us, my friends. The kiddos are back at school, the days are getting shorter, and the leaves are starting to turn. And with the fall comes cold and flu season. Stuffy noses, scratchy throats, achy bodies… ugh. In the words of the YouTube-famous fire-escapee Sweet Brown, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.” Now we’ve already talked…

Bring your mason jar everywhere with the Mason-re koozie!

I’m something of a mason jar enthusiast. Remember my DIY foaming mason jar soap dispenser? I mean, mason jars are just so versatile! It’s a vase, it’s a drinking glass, it’s a leftover food container… no, it’s a mason jar! Plus they’ve got that whole classic-vintage-chic appeal going on which really no one can resist. And of course, the best…

DIY all-natural citrus zest all-purpose cleaner

Goodness gracious, are there a lot of home cleaning products on the market. We’ve got kitchen cleaner, bathroom cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, floor cleaner, tile and grout cleaner… oof, I’m starting to feel like Bubba from Forrest Gump (mmm maybe I’ll make shrimp for dinner tonight). And of course, most of these products are chock-full-o’-nasties, poisoning your family’s indoor air…

Homemade & Healthy Vanilla Bean Coffee Creamer

I’m not a coffee drinker but someone who I love very much and live with is. Big time. One of those “I DESPERATELY NEED THIS BROWN LIQUID, GIVE IT TO ME NOW” types, in fact. Now for a while, I was able to turn a blind eye to the coffee creamer housed in our fridge (after all, I don’t use…

DIY all-natural bug repellant (salve + spray)

Oh, summer. We have a love-hate relationship, you and I. Some things I love about you: BBQs, gorgeous greenery, the beach. Some things I hate about you: stifling humidity, bugs, bugs, bugs. Did I say bugs? Bugs. Unfortunately, an active ingredient used in most store-bought bug repellants may pose a serious threat to your health. I’m sure you can assume…

The Green Magnet (Superhero Heavy Metal Detox Drink)

Every superhero deserves a super cool name. And why should superhero status be relegated to just buff dudes in tights? What about all of the unsung heroes out there? Don’t they deserve superhero status and a super cool name to boot? And I’m not just talking about the cat that saved the kid from the dog or your local Fire…

The most important foods to buy organic

In the perfect world, we’d all be able to buy EVERYTHING organic ALL THE TIME. Or really, in the perfect world, there wouldn’t be any need for “organic” — food would be food and that would be that. But the world is not perfect. And as much as many of us wish we could buy all of the food on our…

Powerhouse chia seed energy shot

Everyday around midday, I rip a shot. No no, I don’t keep a bottle of whiskey in my desk drawer. Nor am I an espresso fan. I take a chia seed energy shot. Chia seeds provide amazing, sustainable energy. Chia seeds were a staple in ancient Aztec and Mayan diets. They actually got their name from the Mayan word for…

DIY All-Natural Sunscreen Lotion

It’s all fun and games until someone has to go ahead and ruin it all. Yeah, we’re looking at you, nasty-filled sunscreen. Fun in the sun suddenly ain’t so much fun when you take a closer look at your sunscreen ingredient label: we’ve got chemicals that are known endocrine disruptors (i.e. mess with your hormones), possible or probable carcinogens, and…

Homemade & healthy “almond joy” bites

Some ideas are brilliant right from the get-go. Others need time to be crafted, coddled, considered. These homemade and healthy “almond joy” bites were definitely the latter. I’ve wanted their existence pretty desperately for a pretty long time now. Their namesake is one of my absolute FAVORITE candy bars, but of course not something I allow myself to have very…

Does natural deodorant really work?

Me asking if natural deodorant really works is like Popeye asking if spinach makes you strong. The answer is unhesitatingly “YES!” The right natural deodorant keeps you odor-free without any harsh chemical ingredients adding to your body burden. But here’s the thing that most people fail to understand when it comes to “natural deodorant” and the question “does natural deodorant…

7 Supercharged Spices for Your Health

Please forgive me while I very quickly get this out of the way… Every boy, every girl: spice up your life! People of the world: spice up your life! Ahhhhhhh SLAM IT TO THE LEFT if you’re having a good time! OK OK, I’ll stop. Though this 1997 anthem continues to be one of my favorite songs to this very day….

10 bubble bursting reasons why chewing gum is bad for you

I know, I know… sometimes you just really hate me. Because I’m the one who’s always gotta burst your bubble. I’m the one who told you BPA-free is a load of B(P)S, your favorite chocolate is likely loaded with nasties, your new clothes are covered in chemicals, your tea bags are dangerous, and, now, chewing gum is bad for you. Just like that…

Holistic hair care: health from root to tip

My relationship with natural hair care has been rocky to say the least. I *thought* I’d found the perfect natural alternative to my nasty-filled shampoo and conditioner, only to learn I was the victim of some very skillful green-washing (gosh darn it!). Then I decided I was going to get really crunchy. You know what I’m talking about… No poo:…

Activated charcoal: The unlikely all-natural teeth whitener

Sometimes I find myself smack dab in the middle of a natural remedy and think, “I’ve really gone off the deep end.” Sitting in a tub of apple cider vinegar… instinctively grabbing honey when I have any sort of skin issue (and then shamelessly licking my fingers after applying)… brushing black black BLACK activated charcoal on my teeth. But then…

Are your “natural” beauty products green-washed?

Green-washing: it’s happened to the best of us. Because, gosh darn it, we live in a confusing world. A world where companies can use terms like “natural” and “pure” when their products are in fact chock-full-o’-nasties. It’s downright infuriating. So how does green-washing happen? The Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act prohibits the distribution of “misbranded” cosmetics. So we’d think that the…

DIY All-Natural Herbal Mouthwash for Healthy Teeth & Gums

Looking for a homemade natural mouthwash recipe that not only freshens breath but improves oral health? This DIY All-Natural Herbal Mouthwash for Healthy Teeth & Gums is exactly what you’re looking for! Ah, there’s nothing that compares to that fresh and clean feeling of mouthwash! It doesn’t matter if you’ve been stuck on a bus with busted AC all day…

DIY All-Natural Whitening + Remineralizing Toothpaste

I want to immediately address the elephant in the room before we go any further… YES, this toothpaste is brown. And NO, it is not the loveliest looking. But hey, we all know not to judge a book by its cover! And those perfectly white toothpastes that you are comparing it to may look pretty, but they’re chock-full-o’-nasties. This DIY…

The Top 5 Essential Oils for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Naturally healthy teeth and gums? Look to these essential oils! They’re best for keeping breath fresh, bacteria at bay, and overall oral health. I take oral health *very* seriously. I think it all stems from my childhood — watching my grandfather remove his dentures. You have to admit, it’s a pretty shocking and potentially scarring act to witness if you don’t…

Are your new clothes covered in chemicals?

Ooh that excitement that comes from a new piece of clothing! I just want to bring it home, rip of the tag, and wear it… around the house while I await some more exciting plans. But not so fast! New clothes are often covered in chemicals that can rub off on your skin. Greenpeace has conducted a number of studies…