How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Improve Digestion
Inside Out Skin Health Real Food Recipes

Apple cider vinegar is a powerful natural remedy for heartburn and indigestion. Let’s take a closer look at why this simple remedy works, and how you can use apple cider vinegar to naturally get rid of heartburn, reduce belly bloat and gas, and generally improve digestion.
Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night with a heavy feeling in your gut?
Feel like you have a rock/small baby hippopotamus in your belly hours after eating a meal?
Experience heartburn, bloating, or burping soon after eating?
If yes, it’s very likely that you’re not digesting your food properly.
These uncomfortable feelings were so well-known to me that I used to just let them slide as “normal”.
But there is no such thing as “normal” pain or discomfort: it’s a sign from our body that something is amiss.
There’s no doubt about it: proper digestion is key to a healthy body.
The digestive tract — from your tongue to your tushie — plays a vital role in all aspects of our health.
It’s the mechanism through which we receive the nutrients necessary to sustain life, and is a vital component of the immune system.
But think about it: if we are eating the most nutrient-dense foods possible yet not breaking them down adequately enough to actually get to the nutrients they contain… what’s the point?
… and proper stomach acid levels are necessary for proper digestion and nutrient absorption.
As soon as we see, smell, or think about food, our stomach cells begin secreting hydrochloric acid (HCl).
HCl plays a vital role in protein digestion by converting pepsinogen into the enzyme pepsin, which breaks proteins down into amino acids.
It also promotes the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins A and E by stimulating the release of pancreatic enzymes and bile into the small intestine.
Without adequate stomach acid, food isn’t properly broken down and digested, nor are nutrients properly assimilated.
This is a BIG. DEAL.
Factors such as stress, excess carbohydrate consumption, nutrient deficiencies, allergies, and excess alcohol can decrease HCl production.
And according to Jonathon Wright, MD — author of Why Stomach Acid is Good for You — approximately 90% of Americans produce too little stomach acid.
(Now if you’re thinking “Oh, well I have acid reflux/GERD so I make too much stomach acid”, think again. Contrary to popular belief, acid reflux and GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease – are actually caused by low stomach acid. While antacids do help to alleviate the symptoms, they do not remedy the underlying cause. To learn all of the details, check our Chris Kresser’s 6-part series on the topic.)
Apple cider vinegar improves digestion by increasing stomach acid production.
It’s as simple as that!
By increasing stomach acid production, apple cider vinegar helps our bodies properly break down and digest our food.
How to use apple cider vinegar to improve digestion:
Mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in one glass (8 oz) of water and drink 15-20 minutes before a meal.Be sure to use raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar with the mother. If desired, increase to 2 teaspoons.
“Swish” and drink a few more sips of water to prevent the acid from affecting tooth enamel and irritating your throat.
Have you used ACV to improve your digestion?
How did it go!? Please share with us in the comments below!
When you said you drink 2 tbsp of ACV diluted with an equal amount of water, do you mean you drink it with 1 ounce of water? 2 tbsp is 28 grams and 28 grams is 1 ounce.
I’ve read about drinking 1 tbsp of ACV with 8 ounces of water. Wouldn’t you need at least 8 ounces of water or is a lower amount better?
I’ve suffered from a hiatus hernia and IBS since I was 15, and have been on omprozole for around 15 years. Apple cider vinegar before meals definitely helps, but cutting out sugar made the biggest positive difference.
Hi, Glen. I hope your acid reflux has improved since writing this comment – my apologies for the belated reply! I would suggest you store the ACV in glass, not plastic. Also, you may find that if you take it before eating (or drinking your protein shake) it prevents the reflux from happening.
Hi. I have problems with chronic anemia. If ACV improves digestion, does this mean it will improve my body’s absorption of iron from supplements and food?
Great article! I’m newly pregnant andi have horrible indigestion! It feels like my stomach is always full and I feel so bloated at all times. I know I need to eat but I don’t want to Bc of the discomfort. I tried acv , 1 tsp in warm water and I started to feel “empty” again! Is the standard “dose” 1-4 tablespoons? Tia
Hello Nadia
I’ve started taking ACV for acid reflux. I take a protein shake first thing in the morning and then take ACV in a glass with water straight after. Is this ok to do straight after or should I give it a couple of hours and let my protein shake digest?
Also can I store ACV in a plastic cup with water and drink later in the day at work?
I wouldn’t do both since they have the same effect.
is there any counteractive issues with drinking the honey/ cayenne mixture before meals as well as drinking the apple cider vinegar before meals?
Would that be a harmful mixture at all change the effectiveness of the other mix?
Hi Ebenezer. Thanks for your comment and concern. I have not heard of any possible side-effects for the kidneys, but will have to look into it.
But the 4 tablespoons is definitely not something indefinite — the idea is to get your stomach to start producing more acid so that eventually you don’t need it at all. I’m actually at the point where I’ve stopped using any ACV! I should make this more clear in the post.
Hi Angela. Thanks for your comment and concern. I have not heard that and will have to look into it. But the 4 tablespoons is definitely not something indefinite — the idea is to get your stomach to start producing more acid so that eventually you don’t need it at all. I’m actually at the point where I’ve stopped using any ACV! I should make this more clear in the post.
Four tablespoons a day is quite a bit. Just like anything, you have to be careful not to overdo it (too much of a good thing can be a bad thing!). I’ve read that overconsumption of ACV can increase risk of bladder cancer, so keeping it to a reasonable amount is probably the safest bet!
Thanks for this info. It has been really helpful but I am a bit worried of what the side effect of taking more than 3 tablespoonful of ACV daily might be particularly it effect on your kidney?
That’s so great to hear, Erica! It really is a great thing to always have on hand, like you said it has so many uses. I love that your sister had it in the bathroom! It’s great for face masks and as a toner (very diluted) – not sure if that’s what she uses it for!
Today I exoerienced the hard knot in my stomach. This was not uncommon to me because I have major digestion issues often. I am visiting my sister for the weekend and noticed she had some braggs acv in her bathroom so I said to her I wonder if I drink this would it help me since it has so many wonderful benfits. I took two capfuls (non diluted) and like magic the uncompfortable feeling starting to dissapear. I felt movement in my system immediately. My headache dissapeared. Needless to say I will be getting a bottle immedieatly and begin the regumine mentioned in this article. Thanks for posting.
Thanks for the great idea! I’m going to have to try it. But I was wondering, do I need to do this forever? Or will my stomach acid levels correct over time, and then I won’t have to drink apple cider vinegar forever?
Great questions and that’s AWESOME! Yes, ACV helps with acid reflux since reflux (opposed to what many think!) is actually caused my LOW stomach acid.
I do also take high quality transient and native probiotics daily for overall GI health.
Enzymes and HCl are both necessary for proper digestion. There are a bunch of different enzymes involved in digestion that come in at different stages of the process (starting salivary alamyse in the mouth – in the saliva – that is necessary for carb/starch digestion). But the thing is, proper HCl levels stimulate the secretion of gastric enzymes in the stomach, as well as pancreatic enzymes in the small intestine. So if you’re chewing your food properly and HCl levels are appropriate, enzyme levels should be sufficient as well. But a number of digestive supplements do contain both HCl (as betaine) and enzymes to assist the entire process – like these and these if you’re interested.
Great article Nadia. How do you compare taking ACV to taking enzymes and probiotics? Do you take these as well as ACV or is this all you use for digestion? I have always used ACV before I go to bed. This cured acid reflux that I used to have. It really works great. I am going to try it before meals as well.
Ooh I feel like that would be a lot of sugar to drink!!
Ooh I feel like that would be a lot of sugar to drink!!
Have you tried drinking 1-2 glasses of fresh apple juice? It’s a great way to get things moving, and I recommend it to people who will be traveling. It makes you feel lighter and able to sit longer on those intercontinental flights. BTW make sure there is 10-12 hours between the time you drink the juice to the time of your boarding.