DIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask

DIY Face Mask DIY Skincare & Beauty Natural Beauty

This DIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask is the perfect natural remedy for blackheads and blemishes! Don’t be fooled by the simple ingredients — activated charcoal and bentonite clay help to keep skin clear by drawing gunk and oil from pores. Let’s take a closer look and get rid of blackheads once and for all…!

Can you see me?

There I am! Just letting this miracle mask sink in and work its magic (and secretly hoping my sweetie will come home soon so I can give him a little scare).

I’ve dubbed this mask the “Blackhead Busting Blackout” mask since 1) its ingredients gently draw gunk from pores and so help eliminate blackheads like no other, and 2) it’s as black as the night sky.

Or should I just say that it’s as black as charcoal (activated charcoal, to be specific), one of its main ingredients? I suppose that would make more sense.

So have you noticed charcoal skincare products popping up left and right recently?

Oh of course you have.

It’s definitely become quite (read: really really) trendy, but for good reason.

First things first, activated charcoal is NOT the same as regular ol’ BBQ charcoal!

Activated charcoal is made specifically for medicinal use and to be very porous.

These pores allow activated charcoal to trap impurities — why it’s used to treat poisonings and intestinal gas (fun fact!).

Activated charcoal is especially helpful when it comes to clogged pores and blackheads.

Because when applied to the skin, it acts like a magnet — drawing dirt, other gunk, and excess oil from your pores.

This Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask has become a cult classic among Body Unburdened readers.

So come, drink the Kool-Aid 😉

Because pair activated charcoal with bentonite clay and WOAH! Major blackhead banishing power couple.

Like activated charcoal, bentonite clay also draws dirt, oil, and other gunk from pores.

And let’s not forget the apple cider vinegar…

… which helps balance the skin’s pH or “acid mantle,” preventing blemish-causing bacteria from growing out of control.

DIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask

Applying this mask one to two times a week can make a SERIOUS difference in the overall appearance of your skin — texture, pore size, blemishes.

So let’s get to it!


DIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask

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This DIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask is the perfect natural remedy for blackheads and blemishes! Don’t be fooled by the simple ingredients — activated charcoal and bentonite clay help to keep skin clear by drawing gunk and oil from pores. Let’s take a closer look and get rid of blackheads once and for all…!

  • Author: Body Unburdened
  • Yield: 1 application 1x




  • Mix* all of the ingredients together into a smooth paste, and spot test the mask on your cheek or underside of your wrist to make sure that you do not have any adverse reactions (always an important step when trying a new product, even if it’s all-natural!).
  • Wash your face with a mild cleanser and pat partially dry (so that it is not dripping wet, yet moist).
  • Apply the mask evenly avoiding the delicate skin around your eyes and lips, and let sit until dry, about 7-10 minutes.
  • As the mask dries, it will start to feel tight on the skin, which can sometimes feel a little itchy. If you start to feel uncomfortable, wash the mask off.
  • After the mask dries, wash it off, pat your face gently with a clean towel, and apply an all-natural moisturizer.


*Be sure to stir this mixture with a plastic or wooden spoon, as both charcoal and clay pull toxins from metals. Also be sure to store your clay in a non-metal container.

TIP: Some readers have noted that after washing the mask off, some activated charcoal remains in their pores. Obviously, we don’t want this! So to avoid this, it’s best to gently exfoliate beforehand — preferably the night before so skin isn’t too irritated or raw before applying the mask. Otherwise, you can gently exfoliate after rinsing the mask off to remove any lingering activated charcoal. Applying a face oil afterwards also helps to loosen the activated charcoal and lift it from the pore (check out these best face oils by skin type).

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Not into DIY? No problem!

One of my favorite natural skincare and beauty lines Beautycounter sells a phenomenal mask with similar ingredients + others to keep skin smooth and clear — the Balancing Facial Mask.

activated charcoal skincare for blackheads and blemishes

And if you’re looking to get more activated charcoal goodness in your skincare routine, you’ll love this charcoal cleansing bar from Beautycounter. It helps to gently clarify skin without stripping it and is one of my favorites.

Are you a natural beauty junkie too!? Well you’re in the right place, my friend!

Hang around a bit and check out some of these other goodies I know your sweet little natural-beauty-loving heart will definitely enjoy!

homemade face mask for blackheads || This DIY All-Natural Blackhead Busting Blackout Mask is the best natural remedy for blackheads! Made with natural + powerful ingredients to keep skin clear.


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  1. I am enjoying exploring your blog and all the great recipes. Haven’t tried this one yet, but it sounds great.
    NOTE: Bentonite clay has many great properties from things I have read, but one property it has that I haven’t seen anyone mention is its abilities to absorb water. It is much like concrete in its make-up and thus can do some really nasty stuff to your drains. A face mask has such small quantities that over time, it would take time to build up. Not wanting to be a Debbie Downer, but just something I hadn’t seen anyone mention.
    I am excited to go home and try this, just think I will wipe my face and throw the mask in the garbage.

  2. Finally did this last night. I used fuller’s earth clay because I couldn’t get my hands on any bentonite.. I also added a few drops of lavender but I swear I think the charcoal ate it… Next time I will need to use less water.. but it worked so well and felt so good! Thanks for sharing this. It’s like the Clear Improvement Active Charcoal Origins mask I used to love, but now I get to make it for a fraction of the cost. Awesome! I love the other commenter’s idea of making up a dry batch to give as gifts. That’s on my to-do list now!

  3. Weirdly I tried t comment a day or two ago and it didn’t seem to work.. anyway, Do you ever add any essential oils to this? Would that even work?

  4. Hi, I’ve tried this and loved it! I was wondering if i could add any essential oils to this mask?

  5. Hi! My boyfriend and I are going to do this as soon as I get all the ingredients in the mail. Should he avoid putting the mask over his facial hai

  6. Since I’m a bit older than you girls (55) I used Apple Cider Vinegar instead of water-I also use it as a toner & followed up with a honey/lavender oil masque. After the charcoal masque-skin did glow-pores looked smaller! I have Manaku honey from New Zealand-quite pricey here in USA & a few drops of a pure lavender essential oil-put it in a container with tight lid so I can use again! How often do you use the charcoal masque? My blackheads aren’t huge but cover my nose! I’m thinking of making a double recipe of it & using on my husbands back! He could shower it off! Has anyone tried it for body/back? Guys who work outside & sweat a lot tend to get them

  7. Tried this today, my skin feels super soft now and it was so easy to do. For the comments regarding the staining, I experienced the same problem and it got stuck in my pores but I used a “norwex” cloth to wipe my face after rinsing the mask off and followed with a bit of Arran oil to moisturizer and that fixed the problem 🙂 excited to see the long term results!

  8. Just ordered everything, looking forward to giving it a try! I was going to get the GlamGlow mask until I saw someone comment to do this instead.

  9. Did the foil touch the mask? I’m not 100% sure but I’d think if they didn’t come in direct contact, then you’re OK.

  10. So, I made another similar mask only it was made w/ coconut oil, baking soda, and then charcoal. I put it in a plastic bowl, mixed it with a wooden spoon and then…covered it in tin foil. It was only after four days that I realized that I may have jeopardized all my work by using the tin foil to cover it. So I’m asking: is the mixture still okay to use? Or did using the tin foil as a covering compromise the whole thing and I should just mix up a new batch?

    Thank you for your advice in advance!