
4-Ingredient DIY All-Natural Lotion Bars

Smooth like butta. That’s all that was running through my mind as I popped these DIY all-natural lotion bars out of their molds and rubbed them over my skin for the first time. Because they’re so silky smooth and… well, kind of look like butter. I’ve been meaning to make lotion bars for so long and am THRILLED I finally got…

DIY All-Natural Powder Dishwasher Detergent

The automatic dishwasher: what a life-changer. I’d know because I spent most of my life without one. And I seriously had NO idea what I was missing. All the time I’ve saved just in the past few months! I almost feel a little bad for my kitchen sponge, which can sometimes go all day without being touched (poor little guy;…

My 2016 Health Resolutions

Oh hey, 2016! I’m so glad you’re here. Because to be quite frank, I was good and ready for 2015 to go buh-bye. Now a lot of great things happened in 2015 — my sweetie and I got engaged, another happy little niece entered the world, I completed my training to become a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, we traveled to Colorado and fell absolutely…

Homemade & Healthy Coconut Milk Eggnog

As we were doing our holiday decorating last week, I got a crazy craving for eggnog. The “OMG I NEED IT NOW OR I’M GOING TO LOSE MY SH*T” type of craving. You know you have them, too. Usually these can be blamed on blood sugar imbalances, but the snow globes and holiday tunes were totally to blame for this one….

DIY All-Natural Holiday Spiced Cookie Lip Scrub

Have I got the perfect last minute holiday present for all of you procrastinators… DIY all-natural spiced cookie lip scrub. Mmmm, right!? This seriously takes 2 minutes to make and is sure to please its recipient. After all, the winter air (let’s pretend for a second that we’re NOT currently experiencing a heatwave in December) can be really drying, and no…

DIY All-Natural Blemish Eraser Herbal Spot Treatment

Nothing ruins a perfectly good morning like noticing that a zit has made a home of your face overnight. Ugh. Go Away! Now while I’ve been able to eliminate 99% of my adult-acne with a properly balanced diet (including a lot of necessary gut healing) and my natural skincare routine, I still get the occasional blemish (typically right before my period). Such…

Why Grass-Fed Beef is Healthier

Ever wondered why grass-fed beef is healthier? It’s more than just how the cows are raised. Let’s take a look! When it comes to eating healthy, you’ve probably heard the old saying ‘you are what you eat’. But what about what your food ate? We’re aware of the devastating effects an unnatural diet has on human health (the Standard American…

Homemade & Healthy Super Simple Gluten-Free Pie Crust

Nothing says “It’s The Holiday Season!” quite like a hot pie, fresh from the oven. (Except maybe Mariah. OK, definitely Mariah.) But gluten-free baking sometimes doesn’t get the message across quite as clearly… I’ve really struggled with gluten-free baking. Like pulled-my-hair-out, broken-dishes, been-pushed-to-the-point-of-considering-anger-management struggled. I’ve tried mixing SO MANY different types of gluten-free flours and with varied success — one batch of cookies…

Homemade & Healthy Coconut Milk Made With Shredded Coconut

Coconut milk is an absolutely deee-licious non-dairy alternative. It’s a staple in my kitchen, where I primary use it for chia pudding. Which I’m very into. Yes, I make so much chia pudding that I consider coconut milk a staple. Unfortunately, most store-bought coconut milks are filled with some questionable additives. One of the most offensive: carrageenan. A Little Reminder About…

Which Cookware is Healthiest?

So you spend a lot of time thinking about your food, but how about what you use to cook your food? Chances are this doesn’t get as much thought. But it absolutely should! Some cookware leaches unhealthy toxins into your food. Nonstick Cookware and Bakeware (including Teflon) Nonstick synthetic surfaces are made with the plasticizer polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), which emits a chemical called perfluorooctanoic…

Gluten-Free Wild and Brown Rice Stuffing

This post is sponsored by my favorite local grocer New Seasons Market! Seriously: my favorite. I’m so proud to be working with them and excited to bring you this yummy recipe in celebration of Thanksgiving. When I first heard “rice stuffing,” I thought… Blasphemous! Using a sprouted-grain or gluten-free bread for a healthier stuffing recipe is one thing. But totally…

Antioxidant-Rich & Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Tea

Turmeric has been playing a big role in my life as of late. I start each day with it as a new addition to my warm lemon and cayenne pepper water and even smear it on my face as a DIY all-natural antioxidant turmeric face mask. Gotta love a multi-purpose product! Especially when they’re so jam-packed with nutritional goodness as…

Are Chemicals Making Us Fat? The Science Says Yes

Weight gain and loss is much more complicated than diet and exercise. If only it were that simple! The bottom line is this: we’re all biologically unique individuals. This is why there is no clear-cut, one-size-fits-all approach to health, weight loss included. We each thrive on different ratios of macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein, and fat), and have different metabolic rates. Not only…

Get a FREE Tinted Lip Balm from MadeOn Skin Care!

I feel like Oprah and it feels fabulous. “And you get a free tinted lip balm! And YOU get a free tinted lip balm! EVERYBODY GETS A FREE TINTED LIP BALM!” Because Renee over at MadeOn Skin Care is offering a free tinted lip balm to every Body Unburdened reader! Best yet, these balms are 100% natural and so beautiful….

Homemade & Healthy Gluten-Free “Cheese” Crackers

I have a terrible affliction. It’s called: Love of Artificial Cheese Flavor. Yes, me! The lady who rubs clay on her armpits daily to detox and starts each day with lemon cayenne pepper water loves herself some fake cheese flavor. Now right now you’re either saying “GROSS!” or “Ooh girl, I feel ya.” If you think it’s gross, I totally agree!…

How Coconut Oil Can Help You Lose Weight

Coconut oil is the duct tape of the natural health world. We use it to condition our hair, help speed the healing of wounds, wash and moisturize our faces, and cook our food (it is first and foremost a food product after all). Coconut oil can even aid weight loss. Now I don’t commonly focus on weight loss here on…

Homemade & Healthy Banana Pancakes

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. But honestly, my breakfast has a tendency to get pretty boring. If you’re like me, you’re rushing to get out the door in the morning and don’t give breakfast much attention. So usually (namely Monday through Friday), my breakfast consists of a couple soft-boiled eggs and whatever veggie I happen to have in the fridge….

Homemade & Healthy Salted “Caramel” Pecan Truffles

Do you know the Truffle Shuffle? If yes, we could totally be friends. We could watch The Goonies while we eat these delicious salted “caramel” pecan truffles in honor of our boy Lawrence Cohen (a.k.a. “Chunk”). A whole batch of them… for each of us. OK OK so maybe a batch each is a little excessive. But hey, a girl…

Homemade & Healthy Jello (just 3 ingredients!)

Jello is such a fun food, and can easily be made with just a few healthy ingredients, making this homemade and healthy jello a great healthy snack or dessert option! Top it with some homemade whipped coconut cream for bonus points and that extra MMM factor. J-E-L-L-O. (You totally just sang that, right?) Ooh I just love the jiggle! The…

10 Health & Beauty Benefits of Gelatin

Now I want to be clear upfront: I’m NOT talking about regular ol’ jello here. In case you’re new around these parts, artificial food coloring, chemical sweeteners, and loads of sugar just ain’t my thang (and I try my hardest to persuade you that it shouldn’t be yours, either!). But gelatin is what gives jello its classic gel and jiggle….

Homemade & Healthy Honey Almond Biscuits

Lately I’ve been pining for autumn. It’s more than just being sick and tired of these sweltering 90° days. I mean, it’s mostly that. (Can I get an amen!?) But autumn is also my favorite season. It’s filled with some of life’s loveliest goodies including but not limited to: my birthday (YAY!), cozy sweaters (so soft and warm!), sunset-hued leaves…

3 Smoothie Rules To Live By

Smoothies are a quick and easy way to get more nutrients into your diet. Just throw everything in a blender, then down the hatch. Perfect for a rushed morning or after a long day. But there are a few rules you need to follow when making and drinking smoothies. 3 Smoothie Rules To Live By: 1) Chew your smoothie. Yes, smoothies are drinkable. But…

Smooth & Rich Cocoa Banana Ice Cream

At the cocoa, cocoa banana… Yummy satisfaction was always the fashion. At the cocoooooa, cocoa banaaanaaaaa!! (Please tell me you know the classic Barry Manilow song Copacabana so I’m not over here looking like a fool singing all by my lonesome.) OK OK, so that’s NOT how the song goes. But this foodified version is the unofficial little theme song to…

Is Fish Oil Good For You?

I started popping fish oil pills in high school. *Nerd alert* This is back when I religiously followed the silly nutrition dogma that I now give the stink eye (fat is your enemy, soy is your BFF, and so on). Now don’t get me wrong, fish oil is very healthy (more on this below) — but most of the commonly…