
The cooking oil guide: which are healthiest?

There is A LOT to consider when it comes to cooking oils. Did I emphasize that enough? A LOT. Smoke points (the point at which an oil smokes and becomes carcinogenic), types of fat (saturated, polyunsaturated, monounsaturated), and the manner in which the oils are extracted, just to name a few! What’s more, the facts about fat have changed quite…

The organic trap: organic junk food is still junk food

The organic trap is easy to fall into. You start learning about the dangers of the modern food system and many of the foods you enjoy, and you see a simple solution: just buy organic! It’s like a magnificent food-fairy waved her sparkly wand over a bag of sour cream and onion chips, giving it a special seal and taking…

DIY wool dryer balls: natural fabric softener

Every once in a while – when I actually take my laundry out of the dryer just as it is finished rather than lazily leaving it for, oh you know, a couple of days or so – I throw it on my bed, dig my way underneath the heaping pile, and lie there enjoying the warmth until it dies out….

How to cure a cold naturally and quickly

  There’s no doubt about it: cold are just no fun. Nope, not even worth the sick day. Many over-the-counter cold medicines cover the symptoms of a cold without helping to actually cure the cold, and therefore don’t help you get better any faster. These remedies help cure your cold naturally and quickly. How to cure a cold naturally and…

The anti-aging chocolate

In honor of my birthday tomorrow… I’ve decided to write about the most delicious new anti-aging product on the market treat in my kitchen: anti-aging chocolate. That’s right. Anti-aging chocolate. It’s certainly the sweetest way to turn back the clock! OK OK, these could otherwise just be called “goji berries covered in homemade-and-healthy chocolate,” but that is far less fun! Plus…

The all-natural deodorant that really works

Trying to find an all-natural deodorant that really works is a little like trying to find your soul-mate online: you spend quite a bit of time and money, have a number of nay-sayers who question the value, and after a few fails are left wondering if there really is one out there that’s right for you. But just like those…

Why bottled water is unhealthy, environmentally unfriendly, & a joke

Unhealthy *Gasp!* How could bottled water be unhealthy? It is water after all. Let’s start with the water itself. Bottled water is not nearly as strictly regulated as tap water. Tap water is regulated by the EPA, which requires municipalities to have their water quality tested annually by certified laboratories, and then provide the results to the public. Bottled water, on…

Why your perfume is poison

The first perfume I ever bought was called Pure Poison. I was fifteen and had a gift certificate for a department store burning a hole in my pocket. I liked the bottle, and so I bought it. I look back on this and roll my eyes. First of all, the scent was not the best; I’ve always been a sucker…

Goji: The anti-aging, antioxidant powerhouse

I can’t stand health food trends. Until I realize that, hey, this is pretty great! And then I love them! As with green smoothies, kombucha, and chia seeds, I’m now hooked on goji berries. You have likely heard of these coral-colored antioxidant powerhouses. They’re the new craze, after all. But their use actually goes way back, almost 1,700 years in…

Detox Clay Foot Mask

This simple detox clay foot mask gently draws toxins from the feet. It may sound strange but it’s considered one of the safest ways to detox the body! Let’s take a closer look at how this natural remedy works and how to use it… Ah, there’s nothing like pampering yourself with a nice mask. … on your feet. Oh, you’ve…

What’s in your water?

Water is vital to life and necessary for health. And, goodness, are we told to drink up! Getting a cold? Drink some water. Want clearer skin? Drink some water. Trying to lose weight? Drink some water. Stub your toe? Drink some water (OK, so that one is more of a distraction technique). But while water is inherently healthy, it is…

Raw cacao sunflower seed butter

I don’t know about you, but I love a great nut or seed butter. They’re perfect for spreading on toast and fruit, and I’m not ashamed to admit that I frequently snack on them by the spoonful (come on, you know you do it too!). This raw cacao sunflower seed butter has recently come to replace my typical jar of…

Canola oil confusion: the good, the bad, the ugly

Goodness gracious am I confused… confused about canola oil. I’m assuming that as you’re reading this, you’re falling into one of two camps, the 1) “Why is she even talking about canola oil? That stuff is toxic!” camp, or the 2) “Oh, canola oil! I use it all the time!” camp. I’ve been stuck somewhere in between and couldn’t find…

The perfectly balanced green smoothie

I like to think of green smoothies as the lazy person’s salad. They are easy to make, help me get my day’s helping of fruits and veggies, and, most importantly, they make it easier for my body to digest the nutrients from the produce in the smoothie. There are an absolute ton of green smoothie recipes out there, and I…

Homemade & healthy fruit snacks

Oh how I LOVE fruit snacks. As a kid, I was a chain fruit-snack-snacker. I probably went through at least three packs a day. Dinosaurs, cartoon characters, sea creatures… ooh, they were all so delicious. When I was older, a major juice company (I don’t like naming names) came out with fruit snacks that are marketed as being healthy — as indicated…

5 facts that will make you stop using plastic bags once and for all

It’s a plastic world out there and we’re just living in it. Approximately 500 billion plastic bags are used worldwide each year. More than one million plastic bags are used every minute. THIS. IS. NUTS. Here’s why we need to stop using plastic bags once and for all. 1. They’re transient yet permanent. Most plastic bags are just used once,…

The dirty little secret behind “pure squeezed” orange juice

Mmm… is there anything more refreshing than a cold glass of orange juice in the morning? Luckily, modern technology allows us to have fresh squeezed orange juice conveniently packaged in lovely, bright-colored cartons and stocked year-round at a grocery-store-near-you. Oh, did I say “fresh squeezed”? I meant “pure squeezed.” Silly me. “Pure squeezed” is the term manufacturers and marketers commonly…

DIY Clarifying Honey & Spice Face Mask

There are few thing I love more than raw honey. OK OK so I’m dramatizing this a bit. I mean, there’s my family and friends, a warm cup of tea on a sunny Sunday morning, little fluffy puppies… but I think raw honey may very well come next! This is not a superficial relationship; I don’t love this sticky-sweet substance…

Coconut oil: 10 fun facts about this healthy fat

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m a multitasker. Now as a multitasker, I appreciate products that are multipurpose: the large coffee mug that also makes for the perfect soup bowl; the just-right wrap dress that can be worn for both work and play; the healthy cooking oil that makes for a wonderful all-natural, great-smelling skin moisturizer to…

Yoga for Detox: 10 Poses that Promote Cleansing

Now, let’s be clear upfront: I’m no yogi. Oh, how I wish I was. I’ve bought the gear, attended the classes, and even purchased a few instructional DVDs to practice at home. But going for a jog around the block or tossing around a kettle-bell has always been just a little more my speed. That being said, there is a…

Could Magnesium be the Answer You’ve Been Searching For?

Around 80% of the population is deficient in magnesium, a mineral required for 300+ enzymatic reactions in the body. Are you one of them? Let’s take a closer look at magnesium deficiency and the many health benefits of this essential mineral. Not so fun fact: I have a chronic bladder condition called interstitial cystitis that can be extremely painful. Fun…

When olive oil is unhealthy

For some of you this will be old news, but it always surprises me how few people know this oh so important fact about one of their favorite cooking oils (if this is you, not to fret – you’re in good company!). Olive oil is widely popular for its numerous health benefits. It is rich in the healthy Omega-9 monounsaturated…

DIY Foaming Mason Jar Soap Dispenser

Some of us just like mason jars. We keep all of our loose teas, baking powders, and spices in them. We sprout grains in them. We put our toothbrushes in them. We drink from them. We get giddy when we learn that a limited edition blue vintage-style Ball mason jar is released. We giggle at this mason-jar-turned-chalice and secretly hope…

Kombucha 101

Meet kombucha, your new fermented and fizzy best friend. Now kombucha is a selfless friend, providing you with an abundance of health benefits without requiring much in return, just a few minutes once a week. What is kombucha? Kombucha is a fermented sweet tea that is widely consumed for its health benefits. The fermentation process requires a SCOBY, a “symbiotic culture…